okładka Chopin (not) Rendered. On Chopin’s Letters... ebook | epub, mobi | Urszula Kowalczuk, Kamila Stępień-Kutera, Ewa Hoffmann-Piotrowska

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Chopin (not) Rendered. On Chopin’s Letters... Urszula Kowalczuk, Kamila Stępień-Kutera, Ewa Hoffmann-Piotrowska ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

Employing a range of research strategies, methodologies and approaches characteristic of various academic disciplines – in particular literary studies – we present, in the articles gathered in this book, the wealth of Chopin’s epistolographic writing: not only documental, but above all philosophical, existential and artistic. The authors of these texts, although their research perspectives differ, treat the composer’s letters as an immanent work, worthy of interest in itself, and as such still insufficiently read, calling for its qualities to be recognised

„Chopin (not) Rendered. On Chopin’s Letters...”, Urszula Kowalczuk, Kamila Stępień-Kutera, Ewa Hoffmann-Piotrowska – jak czytać ebook?

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Chopin (not) Rendered. On Chopin’s Letters...

Chopin (not) Rendered. On Chopin’s Letters...

Urszula Kowalczuk, Kamila Stępień-Kutera, Ewa Hoffmann-Piotrowska,

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