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okładka Codes and Rituals of Emotions in Asian and African Cultures ebook | pdf | Opracowania Zbiorowe

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Codes and Rituals of Emotions in Asian and African Cultures Opracowania Zbiorowe ebook

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This volume presents the final results of a project on emotions carried out by_x000D_ specialists in Oriental and African studies dealing with the languages, literatures_x000D_ and cultures of Asia and Africa. The project has received substantial support from_x000D_ the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Funding for conducting the_x000D_ research and the publication of the results was provided by Grant N N104 0597 33._x000D_ Originally conducted under the Polish label “Symbolika języka emocji w kulturach_x000D_ Azji i Afryki (Symbolic Values of the Language of Emotions in Asian and African_x000D_ Cultures)”, the project was significantly enriched in the course of the conducted_x000D_ research and gained an international dimension. I would like to thank Prof. Paolo_x000D_ Santangelo from Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” for his active_x000D_ involvement in the project, especially for sharing his experience in developing_x000D_ a methodology of studying emotions while participating in a workshop dedicated to_x000D_ this topic organized in Warsaw in 2008, and for his contribution to this volume.

„Codes and Rituals of Emotions in Asian and African Cultures”, Opracowania Zbiorowe – jak czytać ebook?

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Codes and Rituals of Emotions in Asian and African Cultures

Codes and Rituals of Emotions in Asian and African Cultures

Opracowania Zbiorowe,

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