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okładka Desert Gold ebook | epub, mobi | Zane Grey

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Desert Gold Zane Grey ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

Which is the true treasure, love or money? Prospecting in an Arizona border town, Richard Gale sees the possibilities of passion and gold when he finds himself trying to save a beautiful Spanish heiress. Love, adventure, and more wait in the Old West of Zane Grey’s western classic „Desert Gold”. When Richard Gale arrives in the border country of Arizona, he hopes for a brand new start. He soon finds himself embroiled in local trouble, however, when he and an old friend – a Texas Ranger – attempt a daring rescue. The victim, the daughter of a murdered rancher, has been kidnapped by a cruel bandit named Rojas. Challenging him means almost certain death for Richard, but as he escapes with the beautiful señorita into the desert, his adventure turns into something unexpected.

„Desert Gold”, Zane Grey – jak czytać ebook?

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Desert Gold

Desert Gold

Zane Grey,

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