okładka Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon ebook | epub, mobi | Juliusz Verne

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Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon Juliusz Verne ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

The daughter of the wealthy owner of the hacienda Joam Garral marries, and the whole family accompanies the bride and groom on a trip to the wedding venue. The giant raft, the genghada, will serve them all as transport, and the greatest river of the Amazon world is the road. The general joy over the upcoming trip is somewhat overshadowed by the doubts of the head of the family: for many years he had not set foot on the land of Brazil, and not without reason...

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Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon

Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon

Juliusz Verne,

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