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okładka Equal Access to healthcare in Europe ebook | pdf | autor zbiorowy

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Equal Access to healthcare in Europe autor zbiorowy ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

This volume grows out of the belief that diversity needs recognition and support from a favourable social environment. More precisely, the different members of diverse societies need recognition and support. This monograph is intended to provide a comparative perspective on the challenges faced in selected European countries (Croatia, Germany, Poland, Slovenia and the UK) with regard to equal access to healthcare and ways of handling them. The authors of the chapters comprising this volume, each within their specialty and in their own way, attempt to identify the different forms and dimensions in which we can be different and the barriers to our flourishing in, and with our differences.

„Equal Access to healthcare in Europe”, autor zbiorowy – jak czytać ebook?

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Equal Access to healthcare in Europe

Equal Access to healthcare in Europe

autor zbiorowy,

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