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Heritage and Environment. The 5th Heritage Forum of Central Europe autor zbiorowy ebook

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The 5th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, organised in September 2019, was dedicated to the links between cultural heritage and environment, as well as their mutual engagement. In recent years, and especially very recently, we have become increasingly aware that the environmental context is of paramount importance to the complete understanding of values and the very meaning of cultural heritage, which remains one of the central elements of everyone’s identity. The pandemic of the 2020–2021, with its vastly negative impact on the cultural heritage sector, will undoubtedly stimulate many cultural heritage institutions to tackle topics related to the so‑called “green revolution.” We strongly believe that individuals and institutions working in the field of cultural heritage will have to assume responsibility for education and raising social awareness with regard to environmental concerns.

„Heritage and Environment. The 5th Heritage Forum of Central Europe”, autor zbiorowy – jak czytać ebook?

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razem z Lubimy Czytać
Heritage and Environment. The 5th Heritage Forum of Central Europe

Heritage and Environment. The 5th Heritage Forum of Central Europe

autor zbiorowy,

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