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Intra-Industry Trade and Competitiveness of the New EU Member States Wojciech Polan ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

The issues discussed in the monograph are characterised by practical and scientific significance. The analysis carried out by the author is important not only from the point of view of theory, but primarily from the point of view of international commercial practices, in this case intra-industry trade. It is also useful for comparative analyses of the relationship between economies and industries. The study is also important for Poland. The possibilities of intensifying trade with EU partners have clearly increased due to Poland’s participation in the Single European Market. Changes in the economic structure, including, in particular, the modernisation and development of the processing industry, made the Polish economy a good candidate not only to take part in intra-industry exchange, but also to intensify it. _x000D_ prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Czarny (from review) _x000D_ The results of analyses regarding the interrelationship between the intensity of intra-industry trade and the international competitiveness of economies, in particular the new Member States of the European Union (EU-10) against the background of the competitiveness of the “old” EU (EU-15) economies, are rarely presented. The topic of the monograph is important from a practical and scientific point of view. The author presented a new insight and valuable input to the discussion on how to measure competitiveness and the scale of adaptation of economies in the process of liberalisation within the Single European Market. _x000D_ dr hab. Edward Molendowski, prof. UEK (from review)

„Intra-Industry Trade and Competitiveness of the New EU Member States”, Wojciech Polan – jak czytać ebook?

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Intra-Industry Trade and Competitiveness of the New EU Member States

Intra-Industry Trade and Competitiveness of the New EU Member States

Wojciech Polan,

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