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Lady Molly of Scotland Yard Emmuska Orczy ebook

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Opis treści

By the author of the „Scarlet Pimpernel”, „Lady Molly of Scotland Yard” is a collection of short stories featuring Lady Molly Robertson-Kirk, head of the Female Department at Scotland Yard in and around 1910. The book contains all twelve Lady Molly adventures and is narrated by Lady Molly’s assistant Mary Granard. Lady Molly has a keen and brilliant mind, never failing to unravel a case that baffles the entire Scotland Yard force. Feisty, brilliant, and beautiful; precursor of the lay sleuth who relies on brains rather than brawn, Lady Molly, and her faithful sidekick and admiring chronicler Mary, began appearing in Orczy’s entertaining stories years before the first Englishwoman did in fact become an officer of the law. Mystery readers and fans of detective fiction and the police procedural are in for a real treat with these interlaced stories.

„Lady Molly of Scotland Yard”, Emmuska Orczy – jak czytać ebook?

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Lady Molly of Scotland Yard

Lady Molly of Scotland Yard

Emmuska Orczy,

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