okładka Little Red Riding Hood ebook | epub, mobi | Charles Perrault

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Little Red Riding Hood Charles Perrault ebook

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Opis treści

Little Red Riding Hood is a young girl, so called because of the red cloak she wears. One day her mother asks her to take some food to her sick grandmother, who lives in a clearing in the nearby forest.

On the way to her grandmother, she meets an apparently friendly wolf, and since she had many friends in the animal kingdom, sees no harm in stopping to talk with him.

But the wolf is not as he appears to be!

The wolf has sinister plans and Little Red Riding Hood’s sweet and trusting nature may soon prove to be her downfall.

„Little Red Riding Hood”, Charles Perrault – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Little Red Riding Hood

O autorze

Charles Perrault

Charles Perrault urodził się w 1628 roku. To francuski pisarz, urzędnik, autor baśni. Był jednym z uczestników konfliktu starożytników z nowożytnikami. Współcześnie znany jest z napisania „Bajek Babci Gąski”. To zbiór bajek i baśni, w którym znajdują się takie...

    • Little Red Riding...


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Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood

Charles Perrault,

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