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Mongolia and the Mongols Past and Present Opracowania Zbiorowe ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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The present volume is the result of the International Conference “Mongolia and the Mongols: Past and Present” held in the University of Warsaw on November 23–24, 2015. _x000D_ The conference enabled scholars working on different subjects related to the Mongolian history and culture, including literature and religion, using different methodologies: historical, ethnological, philological or linguistic – to meet together and exchange data and opinions. Some scientists presented results of their scholarly work, some contributed with survey of certain studies, others preferred to give advice in a form of a written contribution. The texts are published in two languages: English and Mongolian._x000D_ The article on Altaic Studies in Poland by Jerzy Tulisow serves as a broad introduction_x000D_ to the subject and shows how interest in this field developed among Poles.

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Mongolia and the Mongols Past and Present

Mongolia and the Mongols Past and Present

Opracowania Zbiorowe,

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