okładka Murder in Piccadilly ebook | epub, mobi | Charles Kingston

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Murder in Piccadilly Charles Kingston ebook

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Opis treści

„Murder in Picadilly” is a typical so-called „Golden Age” detective story published in 1936 and set in and around Soho. The story concerns the fortunes of a young man named Bobbie Cheldon. Bobbie has fallen head over heels in love with a nightclub dancer Nancy Curzon at „The Frozen Fang” nightclub but she is attracted not so much to Bobbie as to the fortune he expects to inherit. Bobbie’s miserly uncle Massy stands between him and happiness: he will not relinquish the ten thousand a year on which Nancy’s hopes rest. Worse, Bobbie’s fallen under the sway of one Nosey Ruslin, Nancy’s theatrical agent hoping to profit from Bobbie’s relationship woes and wealthy uncle. And soon, Massy’s life will end on a crowded platform of the London Underground, the killer pursued by Scotland Yard’s Inspector Wake...

„Murder in Piccadilly”, Charles Kingston – jak czytać ebook?

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Murder in Piccadilly

Murder in Piccadilly

Charles Kingston,

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