okładka Names in the Black Book ebook | epub, mobi | Robert E. Howard

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Names in the Black Book Robert E. Howard ebook

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Three unsolved murders in a week are not so unusual--for River Street, grunted Steve Harrison, shifting his muscular bulk restlessly in his chair. His companion lighted a cigarette and Harrison observed that her slim hand was none too steady. She was exotically beautiful, a dark, supple figure, with the rich colors of purple Eastern nights and crimson dawns in her dusky hair and red lips. But in her dark eyes Harrison glimpsed the shadow of fear. Only once before had he seen fear in those marvelous eyes, and the memory made him vaguely uneasy.

„Names in the Black Book”, Robert E. Howard – jak czytać ebook?

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Names in the Black Book

Names in the Black Book

Robert E. Howard,

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