okładka Niusia from Schindler’s list ebook | epub, mobi | Magda Magda Huzarska-Szumiec

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Niusia from Schindler’s list A story of salvation Magda Magda Huzarska-Szumiec ebook

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Opis treści

A personal memoir, detailing the life of Niusia Horowitz-Karakulska and her family, penned by Magda Huzarska-Szumiec, interwoven with chapters covering Oskar Schindler’s wartime exploits and his famous list. Magda Huzarska-Szumiec takes us back to the grimmest moments of World War II, showing what Niusia experienced as a child in the Krakow ghetto and two concentration camps. And yet this story contains a message of hope, being the tale of miraculous survival and a return to normal life in peace time. Featuring many fascinating characters, including Schindler, his wife and the young Roman Polanski, it becomes an inspiring story of how life triumphs over death and the remarkable power of the human spirit which allows us to endure in times of greatest adversity.

„Niusia from Schindler’s list”, Magda Magda Huzarska-Szumiec – jak czytać ebook?

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Niusia from Schindler’s list

Niusia from Schindler’s list

Magda Magda Huzarska-Szumiec,

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