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Public Procurement as a Tool of State - Building in Post - Conflict Situations: The Case of Afghanistan Ewa Suwara ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

The dissertation is a novel study on the Polish literature market. In an interesting manner, it presents an important issue in terms of economy and state institutions, namely, public procurement. Her experience as a practitioner, as shown in her arguments for choosing the subject of research, enables the author to present the issue of public procurement from a perspective different than that adopted by scholars to date. The research possesses both theoretical and practical dimensions. The author sets the analysis of public procurement as a main tool of state-building in post-conflict states as her main research goal.

This dissertation is a specialised compendium of information about the legal and institutional system of Afghanistan. In this research, analysis of the functioning of public procurement law is contextualised through the presentation of a broad systemic background. In this manner, the dissertation constitutes one of the more detailed presentations of practical aspects of the Afghan law in general, and especially in the Polish literature.


„Public Procurement as a Tool of State - Building in Post - Conflict Situations: The Case of Afghanistan”, Ewa Suwara – jak czytać ebook?

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Public Procurement as a Tool of State - Building in Post - Conflict Situations: The Case of Afghanistan

Public Procurement as a Tool of State - Building in Post - Conflict Situations: The Case of Afghanistan

Ewa Suwara,

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