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Sketches of Young Couples Charles Dickens ebook

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„Sketches of Young Couples” is similarly a relatively early and short work by Charles Dickens – in which he outlines in a humorous and vaguely satirical way various „types” of couples (young, old and matured) in society under different subjects describing their actions, thoughts and decisions as couple. These subjects are chosen as a moral essay to raise the awareness and information in young couple for coming generation of both sexes. As always, Dickens’ scatterings of humor help make it an enjoyable read. It’s mainly an exercise in characterization, but each little chapter reads like a story, or part of a story. These satirical portraits, specially timed to Queen Victoria’s 1839 engagement to the future Prince Albert, not only reveal the dazzling brilliance of young Dickens’s genius, but also offer a humorous glimpse into Victorian mores and attitudes.

„Sketches of Young Couples”, Charles Dickens – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Sketches of Young Couples

O autorze

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens urodził się w 1812 roku. To brytyjski pisarz, jeden z najważniejszych autorów powieści społeczno-obyczajowych XIX wieku. Jest twórcą kultowych książek, które należą do klasyki światowej literatury. Dickens napisał m.in. „Klub...

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Sketches of Young Couples

Sketches of Young Couples

Charles Dickens,

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