okładka The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol. 7/8 ebook | pdf | Ewa Kamińska, Beata Romanowicz, Aleksandra Görlich

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The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol. 7/8 Ewa Kamińska, Beata Romanowicz, Aleksandra Görlich ebook

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Cultural Bridges: Collections – Encounters – Inspirations Japanese Art in Central and Eastern Europe till 1919 and beyond This publication, which is a part of an ongoing project entitled “Collections – Encounters – Inspirations: Japanese Art in Central and Eastern Europe till 1919 and beyond”, commemorates the 100th anniversary of Poland’s diplomatic relations with Japan. The primary objective of this project is to promote inter-sector cooperation between universities, museums, associations, collectors and artists specialising in Japanese art and culture. Furthermore, the project aims to create a network for international cooperation among scholars exploring encounters between Japan and Central and Eastern Europe (from their first contact until now), including collections of Japanese art and crafts, the role of collectors and the reception of Japanese art and crafts in the latter countries.

„The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol. 7/8”, Ewa Kamińska, Beata Romanowicz, Aleksandra Görlich – jak czytać ebook?

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The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol. 7/8

The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol. 7/8

Ewa Kamińska, Beata Romanowicz, Aleksandra Görlich,

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