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The Black Mate Joseph Conrad ebook

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Since this is not a very famous story, and most of the pleasure that it provides depends on the surprise that the highlight in the story will present to the reader. Winston Bunter, who registered as First Mate on Sapphire, a ship bound for Calcutta. His commander, Captain Jones, is described as an extremely unpleasant person, incredulous and capricious, who believes that sailors over forty are no longer suitable, and he always talks about ghosts and ways to contact them. Despite all this strange humor that lives within the framework of this story, you can, of course, feel that the narrator is very skeptical of John’s opinion that senior sailors are no longer suitable, as he makes a sharp remark that gray-haired tars are desperate in search of a berth in the English ports.

„The Black Mate”, Joseph Conrad – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka The Black Mate

O autorze

Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad to jeden z najważniejszych pisarzy przełomu XIX i XX wieku. Jest autorem takich powieści jak „Jądro ciemności” i „Lord Jim”, które trwale wpisały się w kanon światowej literatury. Pisarz urodził się w 1857 roku w Berdyczowie jako...

    • The Black Mate


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The Black Mate

The Black Mate

Joseph Conrad,

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