okładka The Call of the Wild ebook | epub, mobi | Jack London

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The Call of the Wild Jack London ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

”The Call of the Wild” is a touching novel about a great friendship between a dog and a human. The novel follows up the life of the dog Buck since he lived in sunny California all the way until the day he was kidnapped and tossed into the chaos of the Klondike Gold Rush and the brutal realities of frontier life. Buck changes hands a number of times before landing in the kindly hands of John Thornton who took care of him with great tenderness while not expecting anything in return. The novel carries a high moral, and the author tells us through it that we should never back down because then we will experience the disappointment of failure. However, it also has significant philosophical underpinnings, which strengthen the book and undermine some of it’s weaknesses.

„The Call of the Wild”, Jack London – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka The Call of the Wild

O autorze

Jack London

Jack London, urodzony jako John Griffith Chaney, to jeden z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych amerykańskich pisarzy XX wieku. Jego powieści, zawierające liczne wątki autobiograficzne, oscylują pomiędzy przygodowym romantyzmem a naturalizmem.


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The Call of the Wild

The Call of the Wild

Jack London,

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