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The Daughters of the Night Edgar Wallace ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Edgar Wallace’s novels always have an endearing quality about them that is not so easy to define. „Daughters of the Night” is hard to explain in a few words, but there are the usual Edgar Wallace characters: the hero, the heroine, the suspicious but beautiful woman who is somehow involved in the whole plot, the hard-faced and fiendish villain and a chivalrous one. Jim Bartholomew is a young manager of a branch of the South Devon Farmers’ Bank with a love of hunting, horses and a dislike of routine. What does he have in common with Margot, the beautiful Mrs. Markham and a handsome American? And what do the Daughters of the Night – the three Roman deities who brought punishment to evil-doers – have to do with this tale?

„The Daughters of the Night”, Edgar Wallace – jak czytać ebook?

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The Daughters of the Night

The Daughters of the Night

Edgar Wallace,

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