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okładka The Professor’s House ebook | epub, mobi | Willa Cather

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The Professor’s House Willa Cather ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

When Professor Godfrey St. Peter and his wife move into a new home, he begins to feel dissatisfied with the new turn in life. He continues his scientific work in his dusty laboratory in an old house, trying to return to his old life. Two of his daughters get married and leave their home, two sons-in-law appear in the family. This provokes a midlife crisis, making the professor feel like he has lost his will to live due to a lack of purpose.

„The Professor’s House”, Willa Cather – jak czytać ebook?

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The Professor’s House

The Professor’s House

Willa Cather,

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