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The Valley of Ghosts Edgar Wallace ebook

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Opis treści

A murder is committed among the rich of a small town, and with more than one ghost and all the evidence seems to point to a beautiful young woman... „The Valley of Ghosts”, written as one of four detective novels in 1922, is set in the seemingly peaceful community Beverly Green, a place where upper-middle-class families live a secluded life. Why was Stella Nelson with the victim in the middle of the night, shortly before the murder? Who was the mysterious blackmailer who held all England in their grasp? Why didn’t the famous detective, Andy MacLeod, do his duty? A chill-packed mystery from the master of suspense. This is what Edgar Wallace is all about, a complex, old fashioned mystery, with a highly unlikely solution.

„The Valley of Ghosts”, Edgar Wallace – jak czytać ebook?

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The Valley of Ghosts

The Valley of Ghosts

Edgar Wallace,

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