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To London Town Arthur Morrison ebook

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A widow and her two children struggle to make ends meet in East London after their grandfather and provider is killed. First they are threatened by a sponging uncle and his friend Mr. Butson, a „cadger of suppers”, then by their new landlord Mr. Dunkin, a man who exudes a wealth of sympathy, a wealth that Mr. Dunkin squandered with no restraint but this, that it carried no other sort of wealth with it. „To London Town” novel was intended to provide a picture of working-class life in the East End of London at the end of the nineteenth century. Arthur Morrison, (1863-1945), English writer noted for realist novels and short stories describing slum life in London’s East End at the end of the Victorian era. „A Child of the Jago” and „To London Town” completed this East End trilogy.

„To London Town”, Arthur Morrison – jak czytać ebook?

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To London Town

To London Town

Arthur Morrison,

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