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The Green Eye of Goona Arthur Morrison ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

Morrison’s most popular books are probably his detective stories, featuring Martin Hewitt, a methodical investigator, who uses his ability to be „thoroughly at home among any and every class of people” to invite confidences in gathering evidence. Martin Hewitt stories are similar in style to those of Conan Doyle, cleverly plotted and very amusing. Morrison made two other forays into the detective field, the first: „The Dorrington Deed-Box”, which introduces the quasi-criminal antihero Dorrington, and „The Green Eye of Goona”, a pastiche of Wilkie Collins’s „The Moon-Stone”. „The Green Eye of Goona” novel is set in India. Unusual and imaginative in subject matter, meticulously plotted, and smoothly written, this story will captivate mystery lovers.

„The Green Eye of Goona”, Arthur Morrison – jak czytać ebook?

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The Green Eye of Goona

The Green Eye of Goona

Arthur Morrison,

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