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Fiddle o’Dreams and More Arthur Morrison ebook

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Morrison’s literary reputation is mostly based on his realistic novels and short stories about slum life in London. In addition, he wrote detective fiction that is openly derivative of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories. Possessed with a wide and free-ranging curiosity, Morrison wrote both fiction and nonfiction works on diverse subjects, from Japanese art to occultism, and participated in English literary life well into World War II. In 1930 Arthur Morrison moved to Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire. In 1933 he published the short story collection „Fiddle o’ Dreams and More”. This collection of mystery and detective fiction contains: „Billy Blenkin’s Radium”, „Frenzied Finance”, „Infantry at the Double”, „Sports of Mugby”, „The Thing in the Upper Room” and others. Highly recommended!

„Fiddle o’Dreams and More”, Arthur Morrison – jak czytać ebook?

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Fiddle o’Dreams and More

Fiddle o’Dreams and More

Arthur Morrison,

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