okładka Topper Takes a Trip ebook | epub, mobi | Thorne Smith

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Topper Takes a Trip Thorne Smith ebook

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Opis treści

Cosmo Topper is an average American bank executive on holiday in the French Riveria. Feckless, fun-loving and totally uncontrollable ghosts, George and Marion Kerby and friends – the tortuously crooked Colonel Scott and his companion, the disreputable Mrs. Hart – return to bring chaos and merriment into the life of mild-mannered, stuffy, and somewhat plump, Topper. One of Thorne Smith’s best-loved comedies, it proves once again that he is the undisputed master of urbane wit and sophisticated repartee. His witty takes on modern life, sex, and the supernatural makes his unique style. Written in 1932 as a sequel to the enormously popular Topper novel, „Topper Takes a Trip” takes the reader for another a walk on the wild side. Come join the fun. You’ll be glad you did.

„Topper Takes a Trip”, Thorne Smith – jak czytać ebook?

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    • Topper Takes a Trip


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Topper Takes a Trip

Topper Takes a Trip

Thorne Smith,

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