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Ebooki fantastyczne i horror

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    okładka Blitzkrieg in the Past, Ebook | David Wright O’Brien

    After a „short, dumpy bald-headed guy in civvies” installs an invention – a time transfer device – in a tank that proceeds into the Georgia wilderness on maneuvers, a lightning bolt send the tank and its three operators backward in time. Shortly afterward they notice a single three-toes dinosaur footprint and disturbingly they hear the bloodthirsty scream of a very strange „bird”. „Blitzkrieg in the Past” is a science fiction from American fantasy and science fiction writer...

    okładka Collected Short Stories, Ebook | A. Merritt

    „The Collected Short Stories” is a collection of Abraham Merritt’s shorter works, and contains eight stories and two „fragments.” Included are: „The People of the Pit”, „Through the Dragon Glass”, „The Drone”, „The Last Poet and the Robots” and others. These short stories span the entire career of the man who has been called America’s foremost adventure fantasist of the 1920s and ’30s. The collection kicks off with one of its strongest tales, „The Fox Woman,” a tale of reve...

    okładka Burn, Witch, Burn!, Ebook | A. Merritt

    Originally published in 1932, „Burn, Witch, Burn! „ is a classic fantasy/horror and mystery novel by A. Merritt. In it, we meet Dr. Lowell, an eminent neurologist who becomes curious when a series of mysterious deaths comes to his attention. Men and women in the NYC area have been dying of no apparent cause, but with horrible grimaces on their faces and with very rapid onsets of rigor mortis. The trail of bizarre deaths leads to one Madame Mandilip and her doll shop, and be...

    okładka Creep, Shadow!, Ebook | A. Merritt

    „Creep, Shadow! „ is the second novel in the Dr. Lowell series, preceded by „Burn, Witch, Burn! „. It’s short and it moves along very quickly but there’s plenty of tension and some genuinely creepy moments. Doctor Alan Carnac returns to the commonplace world of New York from the jungles of Africa, only to meet there a menace more mysterious and appalling than the savage magic of the witch doctors – his best friend has inexplicably committed suicide and Carnac begins a frant...

    okładka Seven Footprints to Satan, Ebook | A. Merritt

    A jungle explorer back home in New York gets kidnapped by a part-Chinese man claiming to be Satan. „Satan” has set up a complicated game of chance, which is played by some of the most wealthy and powerful people in the world. Some have come to suspect that the game might be rigged. „Seven Footprint to Satan” is A. Merritt’s most famous mystery novel and Merritt’s Satan remains one of the most memorable super-villains in pulp literature, and the complexity which the author e...

    okładka The Moon Pool, Ebook | A. Merritt

    One of the most gripping fantasies ever written, „The Moon Pool” embodies all the romanticism and poetic nostalgia characteristic of A. Merritt’s writings. The plot concerns an advanced race which has developed within the Earth’s core. Eventually their most intelligent members create an offspring. This created entity encompasses both great good and great evil, but it slowly turns away from its creators and towards evil. The entity is called either the Dweller or the Shining...

    okładka The Face in the Abyss, Ebook | A. Merritt

    A simply amazingly creative novel by one of the best of the pulp-era authors, originally published 1931. While searching for lost Inca treasure in South America, American mining engineer, Nicholas Graydon stumbles across a lost civilization. A culture both more barbarous than our own and more civilized; more advanced and yet in some ways primitive. Is it a strange and highly advanced technology, or magic, that is responsible for the wonders of this land? Naturally our engin...

    okładka The Dwellers in the Mirage, Ebook | A. Merritt

    This science fantasy novel by Abraham Merritt concerns American Leif Langdon who accidentally discovers a hidden valley in Alaska that unexpectedly supports abundant life, including two tribes of people: a pygmy race; and warriors who descend from Mongols. The warriors worship an evil Kraken, whom they summon to offer human sacrifice. The inhabitants believe Langdon to be the reincarnation of their long dead hero, Dwayanu... There are lost civilizations, malignant gods, anc...

    okładka The Ship of Ishtar, Ebook | A. Merritt

    The goddess of love and beauty was adrift on an enchanted ocean in a magic world. The myriad forces of satanic evil plagued the vessel of the red-haired, passionate goddess. Only one man, John Kenton, the American adventurer, WWI vet and archaeologist, could save Ishtar’s priestess from the black magic which divides her world from ours. Written in 1924, „The Ship of Ishtar” is a universally hailed classic of the fantasy novel by A. Merritt and is, on surface at least, an ob...

    okładka The Metal Monster, Ebook | A. Merritt

    Abraham Merritt tells a tale of awe and wonder as well as horror and dread to the speculative fiction and fantasy. „The Metal Monster” features the return of Dr. Walter T. Goodwin who first appeared in „The Moon Pool”. In the wilds of the Trans-Himalayan region, a quartet of adventurers led by Dr. Goodwin stumbles upon a tribe of human primitives forgotten since the age of Alexander the Great, and an awesome being of living metal commanded by the exiled Norhala. As Norhala’...

    okładka The Prince of Peril, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    The second of the three Grandon of Venus novels. When the man who was Harry Thorne on Earth offered to swap bodies with a native of Venus, it was because he was bored with comfort and security, and craved excitement. And that was what he got – more than he would have bargained for – when he found that he had taken over the assassin-haunted role of a prince of a beleaguered throne in a land of ferocious beasts and inhuman foemen. With the help of the fellow interplanetary tr...

    okładka The Swordsman of Mars, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    The Age of Miracles produces an amazing suicide and a triumphant return from death. A million dollar prize is offered – and won – for the most perfect automation. „The Revenge of the Robot and Other Tales” is a collection of thrilling sci-fi stories from mechanistic progress, written by Otis Adelbert Kline, who was an adventure and science-fiction novelist of the pulp era. Kline is perhaps best known for his novelistic feud with Edgar Rice Burroughs. He wrote „Planet of Per...

    okładka The Port of Peril, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    When Vernia, empress of Reabon, mightiest land of all Venus, was kidnapped by the strange marauders of the sea and was taken to their hidden port, it presented the Earthman, Robert Grandon, with his greatest challenge. Grandon goes on a quest to save her, a quest that will put him on challenges, and against enemies beyond everything he had came across before. And out of this comes a tale of action in which event follows event at unparalleled speed, and always against a back...

    okładka The Thing That Walked in the Rain, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    Those readers who had been charmed by Otis Adelbert Kline’s swashbuckling sci-fi adventures would not have long to wait before they were treated to that novel’s follow-up thrill ride. „The Thing That Walked in the Rain” provides another interplanetary adventure. Considered by many to be the only true equal of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Otis Adelbert Kline was a master of the sword and planet genre. From his position on the original editorial staff of Weird Tales and as the liter...

    okładka The Revenge of the Robot and Other Tales, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    Rebels on the red planet! An Earthman Harry Thorn exchanges personalities with an ancient Martian and pursues a vicious criminal (another Earthman who had been sent earlier) who seeks to destroy Martian civilization. There’s also a race of yellow aliens apart from the hot-looking humanoids, and these guys have a death-ray which becomes important to the conflict. Follow Thorne’s amazing adventures on this distant world as he attempts to fulfill his obligations. „The Swordsma...

    okładka Maza of the Moon, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    A missile is fired from earth to hit the surface of the moon. It is successful and the missilemen are heroes, until... THE MOON FIRES BACK! Terrible lunar missiles blast New York, London, and Paris. And an ultimatum is delivered from the unsuspected civilization of our satellite: „You have attacked us! You will pay the penalty! „. The Otis Adelbert Kline’s second book who was an adventure and science-fiction novelist of the pulp era. He is best known for his interplanetary ...

    okładka The Planet of Peril, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    Otis Adelbert Kline is best known for his purported novelistic feud with Edgar Rice Burroughs. In 1929, long before planetary romance became a conventional genre, he wrote „Planet of Peril”, a novel set on the planet Venus and written in the storytelling form of Burroughs’ Martian novels. He followed this with two sequels. This novel is a science-fiction adventure on a world of semi-barbaric nations, ferocious beasts, gigantic reptiles, and maidens in distress. In it, Rober...

    okładka The Metal Monster, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    Originally published in 1931, „The Metal Monster” is a classic science-fiction novel by Otis Adelbert Kline (1891-1946), best known for his interplanetary adventure novels set on Venus and Mar. When the most powerful artillery, deadly bacteria and explosives known, and the most destructive methods available fail to be effective against some enemy’s unknown weapon of war, it is time, very frequently, to turn to some simple means of combat and attack. Paradoxically, though, i...

    okładka Spawn of the Comet, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    Silently, without warning they came, those fishermen of deep space who spread their net for man – living flying saucers the Earth must destroy – yet who multiplied by dying! „Spawn of the Comet” is a short alien invasion story by Otis Adelbert Kline. Otis Adelbert Kline (1891–1946) born in Chicago, Illinois, USA, was an adventure novelist and literary agent during the pulp era. He is best known for his interplanetary adventure novels set on Venus and Mars, which instantly b...

    okładka Jan of the Jungle, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    Led to believe that his natural mother is a chimpanzee Chicma, a young boy knows only the savage ways of the great apes. Kept in a cage, he is systematically trained to become a savage killer by the fiendish Dr. Bracken. But the young boy, Jan, is clever enough to escape from the lab and make it out into the surrounding swamp with his chimp mentor at his side and emerge near the Lost Empire of Mu. The swamplands offer Jan has his first taste of freedom. He grows up fast, an...

    okładka Jan in India, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    As we continue to follow adventures of „Jan of the Jungle” written by Otis Adelbert Kline, we find him engaged to his fiancée Ramona and reunited with his parents. Together with some friends, they start a cruise on the Indian Ocean. However, the happy days don’t last long for Jan as he gets thrown in the shark infested waters and Ramona gets abducted. Follow the exploits of „Jan of the Jungle” as he strives to save his future wife from a hideous death at the fangs of the Bl...

    okładka The Outlaws of Mars, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    „The Outlaws of Mars” introduces you to Captain Jerry Morgan and his travel to Mars in the early 20th century. When Jerry, expert swordsman, left the American Army, his scientist uncle, Dr. Richard Morgan, had no difficulty in persuading the adventurous young man to take a trip to Raliad, largest city on Mars in a space ship, directed by mental telepathy. For Jerry’s first moment there involved him in a costly mistake which was to throw him into conflict not only with the f...

    okładka Stranger From Smallness, Ebook | Otis Adelbert Kline

    Meet the another sci-fi story from the master of adventure and science-fiction novelist of the pulp era Otis Adelbert Kline, best known for his interplanetary adventure novels set on Venus and Mars, which instantly became science-fiction classics. Smaller than a microbe, the Stranger was but how he grew! Ralph Blake’s surprise kidnapping flung him into fierce adventure in the torrid Sahara. Then a strange creature from Mercury stepped in and even Ralph’s death couldn’t prev...

    okładka Wreckers of the Star Patrol and Other Tales, Ebook | Malcolm Jameson

    Malcolm Jameson was an American Golden Age science fiction author who began writing only seven years before his death. Drawing from his experiences of navy and warfare he gave a personal touch to all of his stories. He is now chiefly remembered for his Captain Bullard stories which chronicles the journey of a young officer into a fleet admiral of space ship and to most critics seem like a precursor of the modern day space exploration series like Star Trek. „Wreckers of the ...

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Fantastyka i Horror

Kategoria „Fantastyka / Horror” zawiera książki należące przede wszystkim do gatunku fantastyki. Jest to obszerny, rozbudowany oraz bardzo pojemny gatunek literacki charakteryzujący się osadzaniem opisywanej historii w świecie przedstawionym różnym od rzeczywistego. Autorzy takich publikacji często opisują zjawiska nadprzyrodzone oraz wykreowane przez siebie technologie czy bronie. W ramy fantastyki należy włączyć fantastykę naukową (science fiction), której akcja toczy się zazwyczaj w przyszłości, oraz fantasy, w której znaleźć możemy elementy mitologii i folkloru. W obrębie dokładniejszych podziałów funkcjonują również liczne podgatunki, takie jak na przykład weird fiction, low fantasy, urban fantasy czy space opera. W kategorii „Fantastyka / Horror” znajdują się również książki należące do literatury grozy, czyli horrory. Charakteryzują się one takim ukształtowaniem świata przedstawionego, że występujące w nim wydarzenia nie mogą zostać wytłumaczone bez odwołania się do zjawisk paranormalnych czy nadprzyrodzonych. Celem horroru jest wywołanie u odbiorcy poczucia zagrożenia, strachu czy obrzydzenia. Najczęściej podejmowanymi w horrorze motywami są nawiedzenia (ludzi, przedmiotów, miejsc), wampiry, zombie, duchy, wilkołaki, demony, diabły, wiedźmy i tym podobne. W serwisie Woblink.com odnaleźć można należącą do fantastyki postapokaliptycznej serię „Metro” napisaną przez rosyjskiego pisarza Dmitrija Głuchowskiego, nominowaną do licznych nagród literackich i utrzymaną w steampunkowym klimacie „Zadrę” Krzysztofa Piskorskiego, książkę „Player One” Ernesta Cline’a, na podstawie której powstał film pod tym samym tytułem w reżyserii Stevena Spielberga, powieści Terry’ego Pratchetta (zarówno te należące do „Świata Dysku”, jak i te spoza serii). Miłośnicy grozy znajdą tu natomiast zarówno „Frankensteina” Mary Shelley, uznawanego za prekursora całego gatunku, „Draculę” Brama Stokera, dzięki któremu postać wampira na trwałe weszła do popkultury, czy „Dziecko Rosemary” Iry Levin, na podstawie którego Roman Polański wyreżyserował kultowy film pod tym samym tytułem.