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Ebooki fantasy

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    okładka Palę Paryż, Ebook | Bruno Jasieński

    Powieść Brunona Jasieńskiego „Palę Paryż” została opublikowana w 1928 roku w odcinkach na łamach socjalistycznej francuskiej gazety „L’Humanité”, co wzbudziło duże kontrowersje. Utwór stanowił odpowiedź na nowelę Paula Moranda „Palę Moskwę”, którą Brunon uznał za „antyproletariacki paszkwil”. Postanowił więc odgryźć się i spalić burżuazyjną Francję. Wywołało to ogromny skandal i falę protestów paryżan, którzy domagali się wydalenia Jasieńskiego z Francji.

    okładka Carpe Jugulum. , Ebook | Terry Pratchett

    Wielce Oats trafił na nie najlepszy moment, by zostać kapłanem. Sądził, że przybywa do Lancre na prostą ceremonię. Tymczasem znalazł się na wojnie między wampirami a czarownicami. Jest tu młoda AGnes, która naprawdę czasem nie jest sobą. Magrat, która stara się połączyć czarownictwo i pieluchy. Niania Ogg... i babcia Weatherwax, która jest prawdziwym problemem. Wampiry są inteligentne. Mają styl i wykwintne kamizelki. Wyszły z trumien i pragną kęsa przyszłości. Wielce Oats ...

    okładka W starym dworze, Ebook | Bogusław Adamowicz

    Powieść łącząca elementy horroru i fantastyki. Stare zamczysko w środku lasu, upiory i postacie rodem z poprzedniego stulecia. Akcja rozpoczyna się rozważaniami grupki profesorów nad spirytyzmem i słusznością wiary w duchy. W dyskusję włącza się tajemniczy człowiek, który zaczyna snuć historię pewnego nauczyciela, który w środku dzikiej głuszy odnalazł miejsce rodem z mrocznego koszmaru.

    okładka Zagadka Cloomber, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    Zaniedbane domostwo na odludziu to miejsce, które jak żadne inne potrafi pobudzić wyobraźnię. Opuszczoną posiadłość, Cloomber Hall, zamieszkuje ekscentryczny generał John Berthier Heatherstone. Mężczyzna od początku czegoś się boi, stroni od towarzystwa, nocami w domu nie gasną światła. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że jego lęki wiążą się z wydarzeniami z przeszłości, sięgając czasów, w których Heatherstone odbywał służbę wojenną w Indiach. Z niewiadomych przyczyn lęki generała os...

    okładka Amulet Ozirisa, Ebook | Wacław Filochowski

    Wacław Filochowski to polski dziennikarz oraz pisarz literatury fantastycznej. Zadebiutował w 1921 roku zbiorem nowel „Chińskie cienie”, a w swoich powieściach często odwoływał się do baśni i tematów okultystycznych. Jest autorem takich utworów jak: „Amulet Ozirisa”, „Czarci młyn”, „Legenda nowej Warszawy”, „Znak”, „Człowiek w ciemnych okularach”, „Przez kraj wód, wichrów i zwierząt” czy „Cierpkie pobratymstwo”.

    okładka Złoty garnek, Ebook | Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann

    Nowela E.T.A. Hoffmanna opublikowana w 1814 roku jest uważana za arcydzieło w dorobku pisarza. Opowiada ona o przygodach młodego studenta Anzelmusa, który musi zmierzyć się z siłami nadprzyrodzonymi i nauczyć się odróżniać dobro od zła. E.T.A. Hoffmann to niemiecki poeta i pisarz romantyczny, jeden z prekursorów weird-fiction, czyli fantastyki grozy. Jego twórczością inspirowali się w późniejszych latach tacy pisarze, jak Edgar Alan Poe, Howard Phillips Lovecraft czy Gustav...

    okładka Legendy zamków świętokrzyskich, Ebook | Bartłomiej Grzegorz Sala

    „Legendy zamków świętokrzyskich” to ilustrowana księga ludowych i literackich podań pióra Bartłomieja Grzegorz Sali przedstawiająca 24 najciekawsze zamki ziemi Świętokrzyskiej – Gór Świętokrzyskich oraz otaczających je pogórz i przedgórz, tj.: zamek w Opocznie, Szydłowcu, Kielcach, Chęcinach, Ujazdowie, czy Sandomierzu. Publikacja poświęcona jest warowniom wyrosłych przed wiekami na tym terenie, w śródgórskich kotlinach lub w okolicy świętokrzyskich wierchów; obiektów do...

    okładka Legendy zamków sudeckich, Ebook | Bartłomiej Grzegorz Sala

    „Legendy zamków sudeckich” to ilustrowana księga ludowych i literackich podań pióra Bartłomieja Grzegorz Sali przedstawiająca 30 najciekawszych zamczysk Sudetów tj.: zamek w Prudniku, Ząbkowicach Śląskich, Gniewoszowie, Zagórzu Śląskim, Bolkowie czy Czocha w Leśnej. Publikacja poświęcona jest warowniom wyrosłych przed wiekami w głębi gór, w śródgórskich kotlinach lub w najbliższej okolicy sudeckich wierchów; obiektów do dziś zachowujących swój blask, jak i pozostających ...

    okładka Wyllard’s Weird, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Wyllard’s Weird is a little-known sensational novel by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. The story mainly concerns the riddle of a young girl who dies as a result of a fall from a train in motion. Was it a murder? Or was it suicide? Amateur detective makes his mission to solve the mystery at the request of old love. The discoveries he makes lead him to a double murder committed ten years ago. Were they connected? If so, then the same murderous hand struck again.

    okładka Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry Tree, Ebook | Ernest Bramah

    Ernest Brammah Smith is best-known for two series, the Max Carrados books about a blind detective, all of whose Perceptions are enormously enhanced, and a series of tales in which the Chinese Kai Lung tells stories – often to stave off some unpleasant fate, like Scheherazade. This collection of eight Kai Lung stories came out in 1940, two years before the author’s death. They show the same wit as the earlier ones. The China which Kai Lung inhabits has numerous features of t...

    okładka The Moon of Much Gladness, Ebook | Ernest Bramah

    This early work by Ernest Bramah Smith was originally published in 1911. „The Moon of Much Gladness Related by Kai Lung” is the fourth book in the Kai Lung series. The China which Kai Lung inhabits has numerous features of the fantasy Land of Fable, and many of the embedded tales are fantasy; all are told in an ornate manner which ironically, often hilariously, exaggerates the old Chinese tradition of understatement and politesse. Ernest Bramah was born was near Manchester ...

    okładka The Collected Short Stories, Ebook | David Wright O’Brien

    „The Collected Short Stories” is a collection of short adventure stories from pioneering American fantasy and science fiction writer David Wright O’Brien (1918–1944). A nephew of Farnsworth Wright, editor of Weird Tales, O’Brien was 22 years old when his first story „Truth Is a Plague! „ appeared in the February 1940 issue of Amazing Stories. There were about forty stories and novels under his own name plus others under various pseudonyms, including John York Cabot, Bruce D...

    okładka A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, Ebook | Mark Twain

    A chance meeting in the Warwick Castle leads to an unusual acquaintance. An American who was born and raised in Connecticut shares his diary, which describes in detail his journey to England in the VI century. Darkness and horror, hunger and poverty – the main companions of the time. Wild laws, the incredible power of the church and the nobility, unlimited faith in words. Absolutely implausible, but quite quickly the American becomes an important person at the court of King...

    okładka 8 Best Fantasy Novels, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    For many generations of readers, Herbert Wells, author of The Invisible Man, The Island of Dr. Moreau, Food of the Gods, and a number of other science fiction novels, has been and remains a great science fiction writer, whose work has had an important influence on the development of the scientific genre fiction in the 20th century as a whole. The possibilities of science and the power of the human mind – that is what Wells was primarily interested in in the works he created...

    okładka 8 Best Weird and Fantasy Stories, Ebook | H. P. Lovecraft

    The name Howard Phillips Lovecraft thundered to the whole world as a standard of horror literature. Gifted with the art of exquisite literature, he wrote about terrible shadows in the corner and that which was inaccessible to ordinary mortals, but only to the elect. His contemporaries and today’s heroes of horror stories pay their tribute to Lovecraft’s tales. The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: „The Call of Cthulhu”, „The Case of Charles Dex...

    okładka The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories, Ebook | Mark Twain

    „Mysterious Stranger” – a mixture of medieval mystical tales and philosophical parables. In an Austrian village, in the ruins of an old castle, there is a medieval printing house. The master, apprentices, henchmen, their families live right there. A small limited world with well-established connections, a familiar way of life, suddenly and terribly changes. And the reason for this is a poor youth who once appeared on the threshold of an old castle. It was he who called hims...

    okładka The American Claimant, Ebook | Mark Twain

    Incredible adventures await the young English Earl of Rosmore in the vastness of the distant United States. In search of the „American dream”, he finds his distant relative, the „ingenious” inventor, entrepreneur and ventriloquist – Colonel Melberry Sellers, whose main project was the purchase of Siberia to establish a republic in it. An ambitious young count will face insurmountable difficulties on his way to the goal.

    okładka Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven, Ebook | Mark Twain

    The old godless captain Stormfield believed neither in God, nor in hell, nor in paradise, nor in hell. Imagine his surprise when, after his death, flying through the bottomless depths of space, he nevertheless arrived in paradise. He was even more surprised when he became acquainted with the local order – it was too painfully different from the stories about the paradise of priests on Earth...

    okładka The Last Man, Ebook | Mary Shelley

    The novel tells the story of a future world affected by an epidemic. The first part of the novel begins with a story about the youth of Lionel Verney, about his friendship with the radiant prince Adrian, the son of the abdicated king of England, about his love for the sister of Adrian Idris. Verney has a sister to Loss, with whom the proud Lord Raymond is in love. For the sake of marrying her, he refuses the hands of Idris and, for a while, from the post of Lord Protector o...

    okładka The Openers of the Gate, Ebook | Elizabeth Louisa Moresby

    A collection of ten short stories of supernatural phenomena, psychic events and the occult. „These stories are founded on the deepest and highest range of Asiatic thought though the scenes of some are in the West. That thought is as vital for the West as for the East. The background is fictional but the stories are all true. In this connection I draw attention especially to the two entitled respectively „Hell” and „The Man Who Saw” – L. Adams Beck (E. Barrington). E. Barrin...

    okładka The Splendor of Asia, Ebook | Elizabeth Louisa Moresby

    „The Splendor of Asia” (1926) is the Story and Teaching of the Buddha. Elizabeth Louisa Moresby was already sixty years old by the time she started writing her novels, which commonly had an oriental setting, and then became a prolific author. She wrote under various pseudonyms, depending on the genre. As Louis Moresby, she wrote nonfiction, including a history of Egypt. As E. Barrington, she wrote historical romances, including a tale of Napoleon and Josephine (1927). As Li...

    okładka The Divine Lady, Ebook | Elizabeth Louisa Moresby

    This is the story of England’s greatest admiral and his beautiful mistress, Lady Hamilton. Introduced to high society as a host and maid figure Emily Hart is wild and rebels against her violent master. Soon she is taken on by a new man, yet he struggles to reconcile his cool nature and expectation of restraint with her irrational outbursts. Emily is educated in the arts and painted by her beloved Romney and continues to struggle with the invisible societal and moral codes w...

    okładka The Garden of Vision, Ebook | Elizabeth Louisa Moresby

    „The Garden of Vision” (1929) is a story of Japanese Zen Buddhism and martial arts situated in Britain and Japan in the 1920’s. The chief character is an English woman who joins the school. „L. Adams Beck” was one of the pen-names of Elizabeth Louisa Moresby, a Canadian writer who wrote most of her 30 books in the last 10 years of her life. She was also known as Eliza Louisa Moresby Beck and Lily Moresby Adams. She was a staunch Buddhist and strict vegetarian, highly critic...

    okładka Glorious Apollo, Ebook | Elizabeth Louisa Moresby

    E. Barrington is a pseudonym of Elizabeth Louisa Moresby, a British-born novelist who became the first prolific, female fantasy writer in Canada. She wrote very quickly, attributing her productivity to her sparse vegetarian diet and Buddhist habits of mental discipline; her best-selling fictional biography of Byron, „Glorious Apollo”, took only one month to complete. A bestseller in the 1920s, „Glorious Apollo” is a fictional biography of the 18th century Romantic poet, Geo...