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    okładka Piękna pielęgniarka, Ebook | Jack Cort

    Powieść kryminalna Jacka Corta, tajemniczego pisarza pierwszej połowy XX wieku. Trzech zabitych braci w przeciągu paru tygodni nie może być przypadkiem, złym fatum, które spadło na rodzinę. Sherlock Holmes będzie musiał wykazać się po raz kolejny, ponieważ gra toczy się o życie czwartego z braci, najmłodszego ze wszystkich. Czy te zabójstwa cokolwiek łączy? Jednego Holmes jest pewien - to wszystko nie był przypadek... Język, postacie i poglądy zawarte w tej publikacji nie odz...

    okładka Balsam dla duszy miłośnika psów, Ebook | Marty Becker, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen

    Ktoś powiedział, że dopiero, gdy udomowiliśmy psy, staliśmy się ludźmi. Psy nauczyły nas, czym jest bezwzględna wierność, dozgonna miłość i prawdziwa radość życia. Psy są ucieleśnieniem emocji – psi ogon, długi czy krótki, nie posiada się ze szczęścia, gdy wracamy z pracy; psie uszy, te beznadziejnie oklapnięte i te sterczące dziarsko, denerwują się straszliwie, gdy coś burzy ustalony porządek, a oczy... Oczyma spoglądają na nas wszystkie psie marzenia, nadzieje i obawy. ...

    okładka Balsam dla duszy miłośnika kotów, Ebook | Mark Victor Hansen, Carol Kline, Jack Canfield

    Koty, ach, te koty… Tajemnicze, charakterne, czułe, inteligentne… Zazdrościmy im wdzięku, z jakim się poruszają, sprawności fizycznej, która pozwala im zdobywać półki zawieszone pod sufitem, i zwinności, z jaką przemykają pomiędzy filiżankami z babcinego serwisu Rosenthala, żadnej z nich nawet nie tykając. Chcielibyśmy z takim samym spokojem i dystansem odnosić się do otaczającej nas rzeczywistości, a przede wszystkim równie stanowczo trzymać się własnych ścieżek. Ach, i je...

    okładka Sztuka życia, Ebook | Damian Jackowiak

    Samotny ojciec, porzucony przez miłość swojego życia, wyjeżdża z dorastającą córką do Bukowiny Tatrzańskiej. Pozornie niewinna podróż staje się okazją do rozliczenia z przeszłością. Fikcja miesza się z rzeczywistością, a Sztuka życia uczy nas, że zawsze warto doszukiwać się drugiego dna. 

    okładka White-Jacket, Ebook | Herman Melville

    The novel „The White Jacket” by American writer Herman Melville is dedicated to swimming on the US military frigate. The novel, which is a chronicle only in part, describes in detail the life and life of naval sailors, their colorful figures, as well as the features of ships and naval service in that era. A number of philosophical, romantic and socio-political thoughts are presented.

    okładka On the Makaloa Mat, Ebook | Jack London

    The storybook „On the Makaloa Mat” tells the story of the lives of natives and whites in the Hawaiian Islands. The story, which gave the name to this brilliant collection, is considered one of the best works about love in world literature. Each story has common features: firstly, they all describe some side of life in the Hawaiian Islands, and secondly, these are all the memories of old people, or people close to them in age, wise by experience. And, of course, the local fl...

    okładka Jasnowidz Jackowski, Ebook | Lewicki Przemysław

    Krzysztof Jackowski, słynny jasnowidz z Człuchowa, opowiada, czym jest dla niego jasnowidzenie i jakie konsekwencje niesie ze sobą ten tajemniczy dar, któremu zupełnie podporządkował swoje życie. Wspomina dzieciństwo, rodzinny dom, szkolne przygody i pierwszą pracę. Opisuje największe rozterki z czasów, gdy podjął decyzję, że zajmie się wyłącznie jasnowidzeniem. Dowiadujemy się, na czym polega wykonanie wizji i jakich rekwizytów potrzebuje jasnowidz, by skontaktować się z z...

    okładka Tales of the Fish Patrol, Ebook | Jack London

    This is a collection of short stories by Jack London. The action of the stories takes place in the bay of San Francisco, in the center of the plot is the activity of the local „fish surveillance”. The narration is conducted in the first person, the narrator is the owner of the reindeer sloop, chartered by a fishing company to patrol the bay in order to prevent illegal fishing methods. Another main character is Charlie Le Grant, if not involved in the events, then at least m...

    okładka Klasyczna literatura tybetańska, Ebook | Roger R. Jackson, José Ignacio Cabezón

    "Klasyczna literatura tybetańska" pod redakcją J.I. Cabezóna i R.R. Jacksona – wybitnych tybetologów amerykańskich − od lat jest uznawana za najbardziej kompletny i najlepszy podręcznik literatury tybetańskiej.Obszerność i zasięg oddziaływania liczącej ponad 1300 lat historii literatury tybetańskiej sytuują ją wśród najważniejszych tradycji Azji. Przemożny wpływ na jej rozwój miała kultura indyjska – sanskryt i przebogate dziedzictwo tradycji buddyjskiej. Na przestrzeni wiekó...

    okładka Dutch Courage and Other Stories, Ebook | Jack London

    The young man dreams of the sea, runs away from home, hides in the hold of the ship, with the help of a friend is supplied with food. Then the terrible happens – the robinsonade of a man locked in a hold! The food spoils, the young man cannot leave his shelter for many reasons, he suffocates, suffers from hunger... The agony of body and soul begins, only at the very end comes salvation.

    okładka South Sea Tales, Ebook | Jack London

    Among the vast expanses of the vast Pacific Ocean, like tiny pieces of mosaics, thousands of tiny islands are scattered. Proud people live on these islands: pearl catchers throwing themselves into the depths of the sea, rebellious natives who believe only in the god of the sea and sharks – these are the heroes of „Tales of the Southern Seas”. White colonialists live on these islands with them, trying with all their might to tame the free spirit of the island people.

    okładka The Red One, Ebook | Jack London

    The plots of the stories of the collection „The Red One” (1918) unfold in various parts of the globe – from the Solomon Islands and Ecuador to Nebraska and Klondike. When Bassett conducted scientific research in the jungle, he was attacked by the natives and became their captive. It was then that the scientist first heard the strange voice of the Red deity, which drove into his soul an irresistible desire to see the idol with his own eyes, even at the cost of his own life....

    okładka The Night Born, Ebook | Jack London

    Romance and adventure, the majestic nature and extreme conditions, strong and independent heroes – Jack London’s stories are extremely popular, more than a hundred adaptations of works are known. In a small work, Born in the Night, the author shows how the benefits of civilization are inferior to the forest and to a huge concept called Freedom. A woman who stumbles upon abandoned bags of gold does not become a noble lady with a wardrobe, but leads a small tribe.

    okładka The Mutiny of the Elsinore, Ebook | Jack London

    The main character tells about his stay on the ship „Elsinore”, in which from the very beginning there are not the most rainbow events. With each chapter of the event more and more go beyond the framework of the rational and the main character is aware of this. Traveling by ship is a long coexistence of many people in a limited space, where they have nowhere to go from each other, and they are forced to constantly contact. Latent antipathy there develops into a demonstrativ...

    okładka The Scarlet Plague, Ebook | Jack London

    Books about the future are always interesting to read in order to reflect on what may await us if we do not take certain actions. Usually we imagine that in many years science and technology will reach a new level, people will become more and more developed both physically and mentally, but Jack London in his novel shows a completely different world in which there is no science, medicine is replaced by quackery, and people become worse and worse, gradually sinking morally. ...

    okładka Son of the Wolf, Ebook | Jack London

    Jack London has always been especially reverent about the culture of the American Indians and their originality, which is why the theme of the invasion of the Indian tribes by white people from the mainland occupies a central theme in his work. Hardened by the harsh North, the brave traveler Scraf Mackenzie intends to marry a girl from the local Native American tribe of the Styx. However, he is faced with the stubborn reluctance of Indians to share their women with white al...

    okładka The Strength of the Strong, Ebook | Jack London

    The book tells about the Neanderthal tribe: life, hunting, customs, their relationship. The life of ancient people is difficult and full of hardships, but they are happy. Their happiness is in unity. There is a clash with others. Neanderthals are at a lower stage of development, but they recognize themselves as people: they have a language, they care for the elderly and children, maintain fire, bury the dead... But the principle of Others – The strongest survives; Kill befo...

    okładka The Valley of the Moon, Ebook | Jack London

    The novel of the famous American writer Jack London’s Moon Valley is the story of a young worker defeated by the iron fifth of an industrial octopus city and finding peace and joy in a life close to nature on a California ranch. This book describes historical events in America in the early twentieth century on the example of one family. The Great Depression has not yet begun, but tension is felt in the cities, clashes are taking place between the striking workers and strike...

    okładka The Turtles of Tasman, Ebook | Jack London

    The twelfth volume of the Complete Works by the prominent American writer Jack London includes the famous Tesman Turtles short story book. This book, written by the hand of a mature master, was the last work published during his lifetime. The stories included in the collection are characterized by a sharp, exciting plot, paradoxical, unexpected outcomes, and at the same time lyricism, understanding of life lived – all this for which millions of readers around the world love...

    okładka When God Laughs and Other Stories, Ebook | Jack London

    A very wise story from the cycle about love. An inexhaustible topic, do not talk about it. No one has yet managed to beat the gods. Although Karkines met people who almost succeeded: Marvin Fisk and Ethel Baird. But the punishment of the gods overtook them at the end.

    okładka The Abysmal Brute, Ebook | Jack London

    This is a love story. For what, if not the love of the Friend-Master, was looking for a half-wolf, half-dog White Fang? This is a story about understanding. For only having understood the beast, in whose blood the famous „call of the ancestors” still beats, can you tame it... Many people know that „we are all responsible for the one we tamed”. But – how many are able to understand how much we are tamed in the responsibility for us?

    okładka The Human Drift, Ebook | Jack London

    ”Human Drift „is a collection of essays and short sketches by Jack London, including a number of plays and his introduction to Richard Henry Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast. The title essay „Human Drift” explores the spread of humanity on continents throughout history, as well as the predicted results and the possible end of this „drift”. John Griffith London, known as Jack London, was an American journalist, public figure and writer.

    okładka The Faith of Men and Other Stories, Ebook | Jack London

    This is a situation when a person is faced with the inevitability of a terrible painful death. A choice arises before him, which is worse: to accept a painful end, clinging to life until the last breath, or to die voluntarily. This story is not about man’s courage, but about his weakness for money, his passion for profit. And such a passion destroys man in man. And then there is nothing left but money. Money money money... there is nothing in the head but them.

    okładka The House of Pride and Other Tales of Hawaii, Ebook | Jack London

    This is a small storybook. Events that mostly revolve around one person. All his life in Hawaii, Percival Ford lived in the belief that he was following the path of his father, and there was nothing better than missionary virtue and moderation. But his pride was hit by that knowledge of which he had no idea, although it had been with him since childhood.

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