
Szukasz: Zane Grey

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    okładka Za zasłoną milczenia, Ebook | Żaneta Pawlik

    Emocjonująca opowieść o odwadze, pojednaniu i sile, by zacząć od nowa Klara, po dziesięciu latach posługi, poruszona śmiercią swego brata, opuszcza zakon. Dorota, skazana za zabójstwo męża, wnioskuje o zwolnienie warunkowe. Obie kobiety, wyrzucone poza nawias społeczny, po latach w zamknięciu, rozpoczynają nowe życie. Tymczasem świat, jaki pamiętają, przestał istnieć, a trudne przeżycia, których doświadczyły za murami, zostawiły blizny. Losy Klary i Doroty splatają się...

    okładka Jak się nie dać psychopacie? Poznaj jego metody, Ebook | Daniel Boduszek, Żaneta Gotowalska-Wróblewska

    Kim jest współczesny psychopata i jak go zdemaskować?Czy wiesz, że wchodząc do więzienia, nie spotkasz więcej psychopatów niż w osiedlowym sklepie, szpitalu czy w tramwaju?A jeżeli jest nim Twój partner, możesz się nie zorientować przez wiele lat, dopóki sam nie zdecyduje, że chce „zdjąć maskę”.A co, jeśli jest nim Twój rodzic? Czy warto przekonać go do terapii?Nie tylko mordercy, ale też menedżerowie czy chirurdzy. Psychopatą może być miły lekarz, którego spotykasz w szpital...

    okładka Prawo Autorskie dla projektantów, Ebook | Weronika Bednarska, Maryla Bywalec, Anna Golan, Żaneta Lerche-Gorecka, Agata Korzeńska

    Prawo dla projektantów - co zyskasz dzięki lekturze?poznasz podstawowe definicje i akty prawne regulujące kwestie prawa autorskiego, ochrony własności intelektualnej i wizerunkupoznasz realne problemy i wątpliwości natury prawnej stojące przed projektantami w toku pracy, a także sposoby ich rozwiązaniaotrzymasz gotowe wzory umów i wezwań, które wykorzystasz we własnej praktyce zawodowejdowiesz się, w jakich sytuacjach warto skorzystać z profesjonalnej pomocy prawnejWybierz tę...

    okładka Rogue River Feud, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zane Gray had a hut on the Robber, and his affection and passion for this epic river make her the main theme of the book.It is the best writing about the Rogue that has been done before or since and poetically and descriptively traces the river from its birth below Crater Lake to its dispersal into the Pacific and then picks up a school of salmon and takes them all the way back up the river to spawn. Environmental organizations attempting to save Northwest salmon should be ha...

    okładka 10 Best Western Stories, Ebook | Zane Grey

    American writer Zane Gray is a popular author of Western adventure novels, one of the „founding fathers” of this genre. From his pen came out over 60 books, many of which became subjects of Hollywood action movies. The collection includes action-packed adventure novels, which take place in the middle of the last century, in the midst of the gold rush. The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: „Riders of the Purple Sage”, „The Lone Star Ranger”, „Th...

    okładka Eleanor & Grey, Ebook | Brittainy C. Cherry

    Greyson East mnie naznaczył. Zakochałam się w nim jako młoda dziewczyna, która nie wiedziała nic o życiu. Dni były idealne… aż wszystko się zepsuło i musieliśmy się rozstać. Pozostawiając za sobą pierwszą miłość, trzymałam się wspomnień i pragnienia, aby móc go odnaleźć. A kiedy moje marzenie się spełniło, nic nie było takie, jak sobie wyobrażałam. Zgłaszając się na rozmowę w sprawie posady niani, nie spodziewałam się, że moim nowym szefem będzie chłopak, którego znałam, ...

    okładka The Grey Woman, Ebook | Fred M. White

    Often in the stories written by Fred M. White the main character is mysterious. The model of such a hero is George Verily, Ex-Company Sergeant-Major. He was madly in love with his maid. However, he could not even decide on the first step. Some of the events that occurred recently in front of George Verili made him believe that an unforeseen circumstance could happen...

    okładka The Little Grey Woman, Ebook | Aidan de Brune

    At Sydney’s scandalous Artist’s Ball... a gunshot... a falling body... Call Inspector Knox of the CIB. „The Little Grey Woman” is rather short story and moves along very quickly but there’s plenty of tension and some genuinely creepy moments. Recommended for lovers of the offbeat. The Artists’ Ball was a real, and occasionally scandalous, costume ball held in Sydney for many years. Aidan de Brune walked round Australia in two years, and so he is able to give a thoroughly Au...

    okładka Grey Timothy, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    The renowned family Callander receives a very unwelcome visit from their Australian relative, nephew Brian Pallard of family patriarch Peter Callander. Unwelcome because Pallard cultivates a rather dubious way of life and made his considerable fortune on the races. Upon arrival, Pallard proves charming and witty, so that daughter Gladys immediately gets a crush on him, but he also has rivals who do not shy away from bad deed like killing a horse with tse tse flies to manipu...

    okładka The Young Lion Hunter, Ebook | Zane Grey

    The Young Lion Hunter is a story of a young adventurer Ken Ward. Kenneth Ward and his younger brother, Hal, spend their holidays in the Utah Forest Preserve, where they accompany the second Ken and help him capture the mountain lions and the pum in the Grand Canyon. An engaging adventure novel dating from the Old Zachary of America.

    okładka The Redheaded Outfield and Other Baseball Stories, Ebook | Zane Grey

    A collection of stories about the start of baseball by Zein Gray captures the spirit of American baseball during the First World War. Includes stories such as The Redheaded Outfield and The Rube’s Pennant.

    okładka Outlaws of Palouse, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Kidnapping Collie Younger: When Rod Brecken stole the most beautiful and outrageous flirting mistress who ever made the cowboy crazy, this is just the lesson she needs; but Rod may have tasted more than he can chew on. Palaces persecutors: Dale Brittenham follow the footsteps of the horse thieves to bring to justice before angry runners overtake them.

    okładka The Young Forester, Ebook | Zane Grey

    This essay is often considered a children’s book, The Young Forester is following the young Kenneth, in his quest to become a forester. After he received his father’s permission to go west to work with a friend of childhood, Ken sees a devastating operation that cuts down the trees and leaves nothing behind. Throughout the text, Ken struggled with woodcutters to preserve the Penetrari Forest and the future of the industry. The book is written at a time when the United State...

    okładka Tales of Lonely Trails, Ebook | Zane Grey

    The next day, having restored our journey, it was a pleasure for me to try to find the track to Betatakin, the most famous and, most certainly, the most beautiful and beautiful destroyed place in the whole of the West. In many places, there was no trace at all, and I was faced with difficulties, but in the end, without much loss of time, I entered a narrow, heavy entrance to the canyon, which I described as a surprise valley. Amazement in the big dark cave worried me. My dr...

    okładka Tales of Fishing Virgin Seas, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zain Gray, the master of the discovery of America’s old West, was a passionate fisherman. He was fishing for 300 days! This collection, first published in 1925, describes its fishing adventures in exotic locations throughout the Pacific. Illustrated by more than 100 photographs from a private collection of the author. These stories give rise to the passion that Gray felt like the first man to swim so much – from the Galapagos Islands to Cabo San Lucas, and also the first to...

    okładka The Young Pitcher, Ebook | Zane Grey

    The book tells about a сollege student Ken Ward who dreams of creating a baseball team, but as a freshman, he lacks chances. But he does not drop his hands and makes every effort to realize his dream. It was first published more than eighty years ago, this entertainment story is perfect for readers of all ages.

    okładka The Short Stop, Ebook | Zane Grey

    This is a small baseball story about a good young man who does his best to make a living. He has a widow and brother with disabilities. An interesting understanding of the history of early baseball. A bit of romance, a bit of an intrigue, basically a baseball and a pure search for a place in life. It was first published in 1909.

    okładka Tappan’s Burro, Ebook | Zane Grey

    You have brought me happiness, „said Tappan, to a small gray storm circling around his mother. „Your name is Janet. You are Bopo Tappana,” I think he will stick to you, „from the book,” Intelligence was a lonely business for Tappan, but his drum Jenet was a good company. She knew the dots and the water wells better. Thappan, from the burning heat and poisonous atmosphere of the Death Valley to the blind blizzards of the Arizona Mountains. Janet traced with him the faithful,...

    okładka An American Angler in Australia, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Australia recalls the images of the Great Barrier Reef, large white sharks, huge crocodiles and friendly people. Zane Gray was fishing and fishing everywhere, but he was often delighted with the Pacific Ocean, especially around Australia and New Zealand. Most of the fish caught by American fishermen in Australia are sharks (large white, tiger, even a few slopes!).

    okładka Ken Ward in the Jungle, Ebook | Zane Grey

    An interesting read. Ken and Hal go canoeing in Mexico. The writing has a very early 20th century feel to it, it almost feels as though I’m watching an old classic movie on Saturday afternoon. It provides a curious insight into the beginnings of writing adventure novels.

    okładka From Missouri, Ebook | Zane Grey

    In its first edition of the text based on the author’s holographic manuscript, three sticks working on the Springer-Ranch attempted, through falsification of letters, to prevent East from learning from the arrival of the West to school. Their strategy failed due to the mysterious Frank Owens, whose love letters convinced her that she should come. Nobody knows who he is.

    okładka Tales of Fishes, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zane Gray is best known as a fishing writer for wild adventure catching giants of the world record in oceans around the world. He published a collection of stories about individual places and types of fish. Fish tales are a great collection of stories that cover the most popular types of fish found in salt water. These are turtles, sailboats, marlins, swordfish and tuna. This is a perfect example for the shade of appetite of every fisherman. Zane Gray was one of America’s m...

    okładka Tales of the Angler’s Eldorado, New Zealand, Ebook | Zane Grey

    New Zealand is one of the „hottest” industrial sites in the world. Known for the brilliant, crystal clear rivers, New Zealand, Zain Gray has the image of a great and mythical trout. In „The Saga” of Eldorado, the „Seaman” Gray combines the legendary streams, and also haunts a monster off the coast of New Zealand. This is an adventure story and fishing history right away.

    okładka Selected Short Works, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Amber’s Mirage (1929, For thirty years old, Jim has spent the search for the mythical „Amber’s Mirage” without finding him. Tsu is a sad story about how his young teammate left the house, loved a woman and went to look for a bright rock over a source that is full of gold. But perhaps this is a mirage...)Bernardo’s Revenge (An exciting story of love and the interaction of man with nature in the jungle, namely tigers.) (1912)California Red (1926, For years Ben Ide had chased ...

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