
CIDEB EDITRICE - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka Woman in white, Audiobook | Wilkie Collins

    Late one night, on a lonely road near London, Walter Hartright, a young drawing teacher, meets a solitary woman dressed in white. This is the opening scene of The Woman in White, a great Victorian sensation novel, full of mystery, excitement, and suspense. Who is the mysterious woman in white, and why is she alone on the road to London at midnight?

    okładka Wuthering Heights Step 6, Audiobook | EDITRICE CIDEB

    Wuthering Heights is home to the Earnshaw family who, adopt an orphan called Heathcliff. Catherine Earnshaw becomes great friends with Heathcliff and they fall in love. But Catherine decides to marry Edgar Linton since she feels it would degrade her to marry Heathcliff. Desperate without his Catherine, Heathcliff runs away. But when he returns a few years later a series of events starts to destroy the relationship between the Lintons and the Earnshaws.

    okładka Wuthering Heights Step 5, Audiobook | Emily Brontë

    Dla średnio zaawansowanych Powieść z wykorzystaniem znajomości 1600 słów i zwrotów Wuthering Heights is home to the Earnshaw family, who adopt an orphan called Heathcliff. When they grow up, Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff fall deeply in love. But Catherine decides to marry Edgar Linton from the big house across the moors. Heathcliff runs away in despair. When he returns some years later, a series of terrible events destroys the relationship between the Lintons and the Ear...

    okładka Short Stories (Reading Classics), Audiobook | Charles Dickens

    An anthology of texts illustrating the development of the short story from the 19th century to the present day, by Ch. Dickens, R. L. Stevenson, H. G. Wells, D. H. Lawrence, K. Mansfield, W. S. Maugham, V. S. Naipaul, S. Rushdie, Helen Simpson e G. Greene. This collection includes an exceptionally wide range of narratives – in terms of both time and theme –introducing students to protagonists from all walks of life, from the upper classes to victims of poverty. These stories ...

    okładka Wicked and Humorous Tales, Audiobook | Saki

    Audiobook do nauki języka angielskiego Zabawne i pełne humoru opowieści napisane przez dziennikarza, mistrza krótkiej formy Saki, w których główną rolę odgrywają czworonożni pupile, a ulubieńcem autora jest puchaty kot. To on tyranizuje całą rodzinę, dominuje w codziennym życiu. A dramatic intrusion ends a long family feud, a man is strangely influenced by his pets, a cat brings scandal to British society and a little boy battles to enjoy life with the help of his own per...

    okładka Washington Square, Audiobook | Henry James

    Audiobook do nauki języka angielskiego "Plac Waszyngtona" powieść Henry'ego Jamesa Katarzyna jest mało atrakcyjna i zakompleksiona, jej matka umarła przy porodzie. Ojciec zajmuje się nią niechętnie, lecz pewnego dnia, gdy odejdzie, to Katarzyna zostanie dziedziczką fortuny.... Gdy pojawia się przystojny i subtelny Maurycy, Katarzyna zakochuje się... Czy Maurycy kocha ją naprawdę, czy – jak uważa jej surowy ojciec – jest tylko łowcą posagów? Romantyczna historia miłosna z ...

    okładka Jane eyre Step 5, Audiobook | Charlotte Bronte

    Plain orphaned Jane Eyre lives unwanted with her aunt and cousins until she is sent away to school. There, hungry and humiliated, she grows and studies. When Jane leaves school to work as a governess at the aristocratic Thornfield Manor owned by the intriguing Mr Rochester, she finally finds some happiness. But some strange events are signals that the mysterious past of Mr Rochester's is about to return.

    okładka Magical Tales from the South Seas, Audiobook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    Set in the lush paradise of the South Seas, Stevenson tells his tales of magic and spirits, where incredible things can happen. In The Isle of Voices meet Kalamake, the wizard of Molokai, Hawaii, who transforms seashells into dollars! Find out what happens to Keola, who is brutally tricked by Kalamake and escapes to a deserted island, only to find cannibals... The Beach of Falesà is a thrilling tale of taboos, treachery, devils, island magic and two people who find love. Good...

    okładka Miami Police File- the O’Nell Case, Audiobook | D.B. Clemen Gina

    Peter O'Nell jest lubianym nauczycielem, któregoś dnia znika bez śladu w Trójkącie Bermudzkim wybierając się na wycieczkę jachtem i policja ma problem, by rozwiązać tę zagadkę. Po niezwykłym przyjęciu z okazji Halloween trójka uczniów decyduje się zbadać sprawę zniknięcia nauczyciela po swojemu. Angażują do tego celu psa pana O'Nella, Rovera i udają się z muzeum figur woskowych do starego domu nauczyciela, który policja pominęła w śledztwie. Prawda o zniknięciu O'Nella jest m...

    okładka Missing in Sydney, Audiobook | Andrea M. Hutchinson

    Audiobook do nauki języka angielskiego Trójka przyjaciół chce przeżyć ekscytujące przygody zanim zaczną studiowanie na uczelni w UK. Wybierają się więc w podróż po Australii. Świętują Boże Narodzenie na plaży nieopodal Sydney, lecz właśnie tej nocy znika jedna z uczestniczek eskapady. Lisa jest przeciętną nastolatką, dlaczego więc porywacz miałby zabrać właśnie ją? Amy i Claire za wszelką cenę starają się odnaleźć odpowiedź... Three best friends are travelling around Aust...

    okładka Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other Stories, Audiobook | Oscar Wilde

    At Lady Windermere’s party a famous palm reader predicts that Lord Arthur Savile will commit a murder. Will the handsome young nobleman become an assassin or will he marry Sybil, his beautiful fiancée?
    Read about Lady Alroy’s mysterious ways in ‘The Sphinx without a Secret’ and how it pays to be nice to beggars in ‘The Model Millionaire’.

    okładka The Lost World, Audiobook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    At the beginning of the 1900s the whole world has been explored. There is nothing left to discover. But maybe this is not totally true. The eccentric Professor Challenger says that there is a place where time stopped, where dinosaurs still live. All the other scientists do not believe him. So, Professor Challenger decides to lead an expedition to this prehistoric world located in the middle of the great Amazon forest. With this fantastic adventure, Arthur Conan Doyle, the cre...

    okładka The Jumping Frog, Audiobook | Mark Twain

    Audiobook w języku angielskim. Nauka poprzez słuchanie literatury. Audiobook zawiera 27 najpopularniejszych opowiadań Marka Twaine'a. Zabawne i pasjanujące przygody zainteresują nie tylko młodych uczniów. Słuchając uczysz się języka, poszerzasz słownictwa, osłuchujesz się z akcentem i wymową. To obecnie najlepsza i najbardziej efektywna metoda nauki języków obcych. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County depicts one of American history’s most exciting periods: the ...

    okładka Julius Caesar, Audiobook | William Shakespeare

    There is discontent in Rome among the people and aristocrats. The people are angry because of a grain shortage and the aristocrats are worried that Julius Caesar will seek to become king. A group of conspirators led by Brutus decides to assassinate Caesar. At first everything seems to go well for them, but soon the conspirators find themselves pursued by the ‘Spirit of Caesar’. Shakespeare’s text has been adapted into an accessible narrated story which retains the drama of th...

    okładka Jane Eyre Step 3, Audiobook | Charlotte Bronte

    Jane Eyre, a penniless and unattractive orphan, becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall and falls in love with Edward Rochester, the guardian of her ward. But she soon discovers that he is hiding a terrible secret…

    okładka Jack the ripper, Audiobook | Foreman Peter

    Since the autumn of 1888, when he terrorised London, Jack the Ripper has become famous all over the world. How did he escape justice? And who was he? There have been hundreds of suspects and theories but nobody has yet discovered his identity. Jack the Ripper takes you back to the dark streets of Victorian London, to investigate the crimes, examine the theories, and meet the people who played their part in the drama. Here is the full story of the most mysterious killer in the...

    okładka The Hound of the Baskervilles, Audiobook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    Audiobook w języku angielskim przeznaczony do nauki języka. Adaptacja przygód Sherlocka Holmesa Kolejny przypadek serii okrutnych morderstw, jaki musi rozwikłać Sherlock Holmes Detektyw Sherlock Holmes i doktor Watson stają w obliczu niezwykłej zagadki. John Watson, jak to ma w zwyczaju, wprowadza Holmesa w tajemnicę klatwy rodu Baskerville'ów. W tajemniczych okolicznościach giną kolejni potomkowie rodu, spadkobiercy majątku. Czy morderstwa mają związek z klątwą prześladuj...

    okładka Home for Christmas, Audiobook | Andrea M. Hutchinson

    Audiobook do nauki języka angielskiego Trzy młode kobiety wybierają się na święta Bożego Narodzenia z Irlandii do Anglii. Gdy okazuje się, że loty do Londynu są odwołane, wypożyczają samochód by w ten sposób zrealizować zaplanowaną podróż. Każda z nich ma własne problemy osobiste, ale los tak chce, że znajdując portmonetkę pełną pieniędzy, będą musiały wspólnie zdecydować co z nią zrobić. Audiobook czytany w języku angielskim. Słuchając uczysz się języka, poznajesz słow...

    okładka Lord Jim, Audiobook | Joseph Conrad

    Klasyka literatury światowej dla zaawansowanych w wykonaniu native speakerów Jim is a young British officer on the passenger ship Patna. During an accident at sea in the Indian Ocean, Jim follows the captain and abandons the sinking ship and its passengers. Jim must face a court trial for this act of cowardice, which will torment him all his life. At the trial Jim meets Marlow, an older sea captain, who helps him find work. But Jim is always restless. He moves to Malaysia w...

    okładka Kidnapped, Audiobook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    When his father dies, David Balfour discovers he has inherited the family home near Edinburgh. But his Uncle Ebenezer also wants the house and puts David on a ship to America. The story follows David’s adventures across land and sea as he learns who he can trust. With the help of his new friend, Alan Breck, can David return to Edinburgh and claim what is rightfully his? An exciting adventure story set in the eighteenth century, Kidnapped also tells us much about Scottish hist...

    okładka Hamlet prince of denmark, Audiobook | William Shakespeare

    When the ghost of Hamlet's father reveals the terrible secret of Elsinore, the result is chaos and tragedy for the young Prince of Denmark.
    Will he avenge his father's murder? Is he really mad? Does he love the beautiful Ophelia?

    okładka Gulliver’s Travels, Audiobook | Jonathan Swift

    Lemuel Gulliver tells the story of his fantastic adventures on the island of Lilliput where the people are tiny, and their self-importance laughable; in Brobdingnag where the people are giants and Gulliver is made to feel his own insignificance; in Laputa, the land of futile science; and finally in the land of the Houyhnhnms, where horses are endowed with reason while human beings are not.

    okładka Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Audiobook | Mark Twain

    Meet Huckleberry Finn and embark on an exciting series of adventures down the Mississippi River. Enjoy the ride as Huck ingeniously escapes from the clutches of his cruel father; cleverly stops a couple of villains from stealing a family’s fortune; and enlists the help of his friend Tom Sawyer to save a runaway slave from a terrible fate. The story’s intricate plot and surprise ending are some of the elements that help make Huckleberry Finn an American classic that appeals to...

    okładka Great Mysteries of Our World, Audiobook | EDITRICE CIDEB

    Was Nostradamus really a prophet or were his predictions a mere coincidence? What mystery lies behind the curse of the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh King Tut? Can an exquisite diamond bring death and tragedy to its owners? Does evil really exist and what forms can it take?
    Find out about these strange stories and others, and perhaps you'll be able to solve our world's greatest mysteries!