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    okładka The Net, Ebook | Rex Beach

    American Norvin Blake travels to the island of Sicily to attend the wedding of his good friend, Count Martel Savigno. However, the mafia appears in the story, which leads to tragic events on the night before the wedding. The main character has to find out who ordered the killer.

    okładka The Beauty of the Purple, Ebook | William Stearns Davis

    There are typical characters in this book: the villains are very evil, while the heroes and heroines are beautiful, brave and wise. However, there is romance, adventure and suspense in this book, all against the backdrop of Constantinople during the Byzantine Empire.

    okładka The Common Law, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This book is one of the most popular novels by Robert William Chambers and has been translated into several other languages around the world. A casual conversation with a model for his new project forces him to test his theories about creativity, society, and love, and he discovers that other people have their own ideas about how it should all work.

    okładka The Crimson Tide, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This story is about a young girl, a companion of the Russian royal family, who made the decision to renounce God, the church and marriage after seeing the fall of the Czars. This story will keep you in suspense until the very end.

    okładka The Danger Mark, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Wealth, romance, adventure and one woman’s struggle with addiction. This novel fits Robert W. Chambers’ love of walking the edge of what was acceptable to society at the time and then taking it one step further with tactful grace.

    okładka The Dark Star, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Jim Nyland, an artist with a touch of Irish in his blood, becomes an amateur adventurer among professional spies who, in the style of the Hitchcockian protagonist, treat the danger in which he finds himself as nothing more than fun.

    okładka O Pioneers!, Ebook | Willa Cather

    An American classic about Swedish immigrants in the Midwest. There lived in Nebraska a clever and beautiful woman named Alexandra Bergson, and she had three brothers. The older ones were greedy self-satisfied people, the younger one was a spoiled egoist, and she devoted her whole life to making sure they had a good life. I thought only about crops, livestock and land plots, but I didn’t think about myself – for the time being

    okładka Old Saint Paul’s, Ebook | William Harrison Ainsworth

    This is a historical novel describing the events of the Great Plague in London and the Great Fire of London. The protagonist is Leonard Holt, apprentice of our grocer Stephen Blundel, he is madly in love with the grocer’s daughter Annabelle, who is not madly in love with him, she is madly in love with Lord Rochester.

    okładka One of Ours, Ebook | Willa Cather

    This is the story of a young man who strives with all his might to free himself from the oppressive patriarchal atmosphere of life in the Midwest. The hero rejects the fate destined for him and chooses military adventures in France during the First World War.

    okładka Ovingdean Grange, Ebook | William Harrison Ainsworth

    A historical romance with a lot of local flavor. The action takes place in the South Downs, England. Everything revolves around the Civil War.

    okładka Police!!!, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This story continues the fantastic stories of Dr. Percy, forever searching the world for zoological discoveries and love, and doomed to never find either. Our narrator, Dr. Percy, works at the Bronx Zoo. He is one of those brave adventurers who seek to dive into the depths of uncharted lakes and discover the remains of a tribe of cave dwellers or the existence of people with three eyes.

    okładka Preston Fight, Ebook | William Harrison Ainsworth

    This is a historical novel. The story revolves around the Jacobite rising and the invasion of Preston. The book is considered one of the author’s Lancashire novels.

    okładka Quick Action, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This is a collection of short stories by Robert W. Chambers. Green challenges his friend, the adventure novelist, to show him what can happen to him, that indeed romance is all around us, just waiting for us to notice it. This is the only story that dives into fantasy when Green discovers a girl trying to avoid a fortune teller’s prediction.

    okładka Rookwood, Ebook | William Harrison Ainsworth

    A typical gothic fantasy, Rookwood is a good read if you can stomach the songs, poetry, and flowery language. It features underground vaults, mummified corpses falling out of tombs, paranormal summonses, girls in great distress, a sinister gypsy old woman, adultery, death by lightning, and macabre prophecies.

    okładka Sapphira and the Slave Girl, Ebook | Willa Cather

    The action takes place in Virginia five years before the Civil War. The story shows the impact of slavery on Saphira Colbert, a woman of spirit and common sense who is frighteningly capricious in dealing with the people she „owns”. The heroine Sapphira lacks moral qualities, she does not cause sympathy. However, the book was critically acclaimed and was a commercial success.

    okładka Shadows on the Rock, Ebook | Willa Cather

    This is a historical fiction book depicting the French colonization of Canada and life in Quebec in the late 1600s. Euclid Auclair is a father and a widower. The little daughter took over the running of their home after the death of her beloved mother two years ago. She is twelve. Euclid and his family, wife and daughter, had come to Quebec eight years earlier, hired by the Governor General to be his physician.

    okładka Special Messenger, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This story revolves around the recognizable Miss Boyd. She is a famous Confederate spy and spy. This story keeps you in suspense until the very end.

    okładka The Adventures of a Modest Man, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    The narrator is a widower with two daughters, living happily into a rather troubling middle age and pushing away his daughter’s suitors so that his daughters would live with him a little longer. A younger neighbor persuades him to buy a pig and then bets that the boredom of life has so eclipsed his intelligence that he won’t be smart enough to stop someone from stealing it. If the narrator loses the bet, he will jump out of his rut by going to Paris.

    okładka The Barbarians, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This is the story of what happened to a dozen malcontents who could no longer tolerate dirty business in Europe and politicians at home. This is an exciting story that will keep you in suspense until the end of the story.

    okładka My Mortal Enemy, Ebook | Willa Cather

    The story is about a rich girl deserting her riches for the love of her life. She is an Irish Catholic and the boy for whom she leaves everything is related to German Protestantism. The life seems to be good. But when at the end of her life as the couple is reduced to abject poverty, she probes few questions relating to her life.

    okładka My Ántonia, Ebook | Willa Cather

    The story of a boy who grew up in a wealthy farming family, not avoiding hardships and always ready to lend a helping hand. The story of a love that didn’t happen, but rather happened, between the main character or Antonia, turns out to be more than growing up, more than just about the history of one country. This is a story about a change of mind.

    okładka In Search of the Unknown, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    The protagonist narrator serves as a common thread for stories that also feature humor. A young scientist travels the world in the footsteps of mysterious animals. This is an ironic and fantastic adventure of a self-confident biologist.

    okładka In Secret, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    The main character landed in New York that very morning. At that moment, he was standing in the bar of the Astor Hotel, sober enough not to tell the bartenders everything he knew, and drunk enough to talk too much in a place where the enemy is always listening.

    okładka Iole, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This fantasy novel would make a wonderful addition to any bookshelf and is highly recommended for fans and collectors of seminal works. A fantastic satire about the Art Nouveau poet and his eight daughters, who grew up in the countryside and in „nature”.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Dla młodzieży

Do literatury młodzieżowej zaliczają się książki pisane dla nastoletnich czytelników oraz tak zwanych młodych dorosłych (Young Adult). W literaturze dla młodzieży najczęściej poruszane są tematy i problemy ważne dla osób wkraczających w okres dojrzewania. Autorzy książek zaliczanych do literatury młodzieżowej piszą o pierwszych związkach i rozstaniach, miłości, porzuceniu, przyjaźni, a także o używkach, seksualności czy samobójstwie. Jedną z pozycji w tej kategorii, która podejmuje próbę zmierzenia się z wieloma problemami charakterystycznymi dla okresu dojrzewania, jest na przykład kontrowersyjna powieść „13 powodów” Jaya Ashera, w oparciu o którą powstał głośny serial pod tym samym tytułem (wyprodukowany przez platformę Netflix). Warto pamiętać, że wiele powieści uważanych obecnie za młodzieżowe w przeszłości było adresowanych do starszych czytelników. Dopiero po późniejszych adaptacjach były akceptowane jako powieści dla młodych osób – tak było w przypadku utworów pisanych przez Juliusza Verne’a. Znaczna część jego powieści powstała jako teksty dla dorosłych, jednak zyskały one popularność również wśród młodszych czytelników z uwagi na atrakcyjną formę. Dlatego też powieści Verne’a takie jak „20 000 mil podmorskiej żeglugi” czy „W 80 dni dookoła świata” znajdują się w kategorii „Dla młodzieży”. W tej kategorii odnaleźć można zarówno powieści zaliczane do fantastyki, horroru, kryminału czy thrilleru, jak i romanse, powieści obyczajowe, a także pozycje będące połączeniem dwóch lub więcej gatunków. Do takich należą powieści „Ponad wszystko” Nicoli Yoon, „Fanfik” Natalii Osińskiej, cykl „Buntowniczka z pustyni” Alwyn Hamilton, „Eleonora i Park” oraz „Fangirl” Rainbow Rowell, a także cykl Victorii Aveyard „Czerwona królowa”. Nie zabrakło tu również kultowej i międzypokoleniowej serii „Jeżycjada” Małgorzaty Musierowicz, powieści o Harrym Potterze J. K. Rowling, a także publikacji zaliczanych do klasyki literatury dla młodzieży („Mała księżniczka” Frances Hodgson Burnett, „Ania z Zielonego Wzgórza” Lucy Maud Montgomery).