KtoCzyta.pl Literatura - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka Her Reputation, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    There are hours of promises, and zero hour; promises initially, which are sometimes even sweeter than their execution. Jacqueline Lanier did not fully realize the time of heyday, and therefore contours of young charm were not tempered by the usual self-affirmation. Therefore, when she was under the care of Desmoe, she knew that between the emotions of gratitude, the philosophy that comes later in life when we are forced to try to explain their mistakes is not very accessibl...

    okładka Hookum Hai, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    Maybe it’s true, he said, and maybe a lie, it is unknown, maybe, India is going to go to blood, as these fakors believe, and maybe it’s not at all. There will be a sea of blood! „Hookum hai” – „This is an order? I also have my desire! „

    okładka The Uphill Climb, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    Beloved Western author B. M. Bower is back with another classic yarn of the Old West. Much like her best-known works, „The Uphill Climb” showcases the inner lives of the cowhands and ranchers who made the region livable – and whose rough-and-tumble lifestyles all too often exacted a harsh toll. Also this story deals with one man’s fight to overcome alcohol addiction. Still very relevant to today. But it also has romance and a good bit of humor from supporting characters. Bo...

    okładka The Lookout Man, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    „The Lookout Man” is a 1917 novel by American author B. M. Bower. Fans of B. M. Bower’s fast-paced Western novels will love „The Lookout Man”. One man discovers how the Law in the Wild West can be bent, broken, and even beaten. Set in Northern California when the region was still teetering between civilization and Old West devilry, the novel tells the tale of a young protagonist who has a good heart but a seemingly insatiable taste for danger. A Northern California story fu...

    okładka Tiger Eye, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    B.M Bower had a gift for writing Westerns, weaving tales of adventure, intrigue, mystery, and romance – often with surprise endings. Her gift for creating engaging, human characters is just as evident in „Tiger Eye”, a book with a much tougher, more serious plot than some of her early works. The main character, nicknamed Tiger Eye because of his one yellow eye, is a young Texan who has left home to escape being drawn into an old feud. Arriving in Montana, he literally wande...

    okładka The Lure of the Dim Trails, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    Take a trip along the dusty byways of the Old West in this book from renowned author B.M. Bowers. Phil Thurston was born on the range where the trails are dim and silent under the big sky. It was the place his father loved, the place he had to be. After the death of his father when he was five, his mother brought him back to the city, where he grew up and became a writer. To revive his stale writing, he returns to the West, and may just find what he is really missing. Thurs...

    okładka The Phantom Herd, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    In „The Phantom Herd” from 1916 we follow a film director Luck Lindsay who wants to make an authentic western, therefore using the Happy Family boys and some of their friends as actors instead of professional actors. There are many difficulties along the way, some of which bid fair to be insurmountable and they are up against big problems, mostly the weather and deadline. The story is absolutely thrilling and at the same time Bower, with the help from a real western actor, ...

    okładka The Thunder Bird, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    The „Thunder Bird” is a sequel of Johnny Jewel’s story and it looks like our heroes didn’t learn their lessons, as Johnny seems more stubborn and Mary V more spoiled. Johnny is determined to pay his debt before going back to the ranch and to Mary V, but this time his affairs take a foray into an international intrigue. „The Thunder Bird” is written in the year 1919 by B. M. Bower and contains all of the elements that made B. M. Bower’s books a mainstay of the genre of class...

    okładka The Trail of the White Mule, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    Equal parts daring and prone to disaster, B. M. Bower’s beloved hero with a heart of gold, Casey Ryan, is at it again in „The Trail of the White Mule”. Whether he’s veering through traffic at high speed in the boomtown of Los Angeles or pursuing bootleggers in the country, Ryan always seems to find himself in the middle of a maelstrom. He willingly got involved with moonshiners and transporting booze – but lucked out in the end by helping the authorities. „The Trail of the ...

    okładka Dogs of the Captain, Ebook | Max Brand

    When the character of Cole Lavery first appeared in the 1940’s, readers immediately fell in love with this, which had a surprising smile and a quick gun. And, for the first time in a soft cover, all the stories of Cole Lavery were accumulated in one volume. The events in the book are continuously moving from one adventure to the next, when Cole bites with river pirates and the notorious gangster and unfair robber the baron; as he travels to California on a train infected wi...

    okładka Trails Meet, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    The career of prolific writer of Westerns novels B. M. Bower was notable for several reasons. The author, who always used initials as part of her pen name, was born Bertha Muzzy and was the first female writer to make a significant mark in the genre. Secondly, many of Bower’s books were adapted for the big screen, and her characters and landscape descriptions have been indelibly stamped on the conventions of classic Western films. Our hero, Jess Robison, a cowboy with talen...

    okładka The Parowan Bonanza, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    B. M. Bower was the first woman to make a career of writing popular westerns. Her works, featuring cowboys and cows of the Flying U Ranch in Montana, reflected „an interest in ranch life, the use of working cowboys as main characters, the occasional appearance of eastern types for the sake of contrast, a sense of western geography as simultaneously harsh and grand, and a good deal of factual attention to such matters as cattle branding and bronc busting. „The Parowan Bonanz...

    okładka The Gringos, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    „The Gringos” recounts the massive clash of cultures that arose when European-American prospectors streamed into California in pursuit of gold and other natural resources. Dade Hunter and Jack Allen are two cowboys who got caught up in the 1849 California Gold Rush, and had a good fortune in the gold fields. They decide to spend a winter in San Francisco, where Jack gets hooked on gambling, while Dade quickly gets tired of it and moves on. Dade meets Andres, a Spanish Don w...

    okładka The Young Lion Hunter, Ebook | Zane Grey

    The Young Lion Hunter is a story of a young adventurer Ken Ward. Kenneth Ward and his younger brother, Hal, spend their holidays in the Utah Forest Preserve, where they accompany the second Ken and help him capture the mountain lions and the pum in the Grand Canyon. An engaging adventure novel dating from the Old Zachary of America.

    okładka The Ranch at the Wolverine, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    „The Ranch at the Wolverine” follows an intrepid group of settlers who made a home in the land now known as Idaho. Billy Louise has given up her childhood play and her schooling in order to run the ranch near the Wolverine River after her father dies in an accident. One winter she takes Ward, a young cowboy with mysterious past, to her ranch to work as hired man. After Ward shares his secret with Billy, strange events start to occur. Adventure, danger and a beautifully deta...

    okładka The Range Dwellers, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    Rich west coast spoiled brat meets rich east coast girl. Both are spending the summer in cattle country and neither expected the outcome of their adventures. Of course there is a feud involved here, a pretty young woman, some cowboy hijinks, and some amazing coincidences to bring all the characters together. This short but engaging novel contains all of the elements that made B. M. Bower’s books a mainstay of the genre of classic Westerns. B. M. Bower was one of the most pr...

    okładka The Happy Family, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    A lively and amusing story, dealing with the adventures of eighteen jovial, big hearted Montana cowboys. First published in 1910, „The Happy Family” (a sequel to „Chip of the Flying U”) continues the various funny and catchy happenings of the well-known interesting beloved characters – Weary, Irish, Pink, Happy Jack, Big Medicine, and in particular Andy Green, storyteller extraordinaire, and the rest. They were so popular that their creator devoted a series of novels to the...

    okładka The Flying U’s Last Stand, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    The gang has to deal with changing times, progress, and civilization, all of which threaten the very existence of the Flying U. Homesteaders! Farmers! What can be done to protect the home country from these people who have no idea that the land claims they are wanting to prove up on are not meant for farming? This is B. M. Bower’s 1915 novel, „The Flying U’s Last Stand”. Another fantastic sequel to „Chip of the Flying U”, this book is not to be missed by those who have read...

    okładka The Redheaded Outfield and Other Baseball Stories, Ebook | Zane Grey

    A collection of stories about the start of baseball by Zein Gray captures the spirit of American baseball during the First World War. Includes stories such as The Redheaded Outfield and The Rube’s Pennant.

    okładka Outlaws of Palouse, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Kidnapping Collie Younger: When Rod Brecken stole the most beautiful and outrageous flirting mistress who ever made the cowboy crazy, this is just the lesson she needs; but Rod may have tasted more than he can chew on. Palaces persecutors: Dale Brittenham follow the footsteps of the horse thieves to bring to justice before angry runners overtake them.

    okładka The Young Forester, Ebook | Zane Grey

    This essay is often considered a children’s book, The Young Forester is following the young Kenneth, in his quest to become a forester. After he received his father’s permission to go west to work with a friend of childhood, Ken sees a devastating operation that cuts down the trees and leaves nothing behind. Throughout the text, Ken struggled with woodcutters to preserve the Penetrari Forest and the future of the industry. The book is written at a time when the United State...

    okładka The Lonesome Trail, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    B. M. Bower, was an American author who wrote novels, fictional short stories, and screenplays about the American Old West. This is one of her stories. In her prolific career as a writer of many classic Westerns, the most beloved characters ever created by author B. M. Bower were the happy but hardscrabble crew of the Flying U ranch. „The Lonesome Trail” catches up with the band of cowhands and ranchers as some of them have grown weary of range life and have decided to forg...

    okładka The Heritage of the Sioux, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    Pioneering Western writer Bertha Muzzy Bower gained critical acclaim by bringing a unique female perspective to her tales of ranch life. In „The Heritage of the Sioux”, Bower brings a similarly empathic perspective to her fictionalized account of one of the most storied Native American tribes. It is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. This great novel will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. „The Heritage Of The Sioux” by B.M...

    okładka Tales of Lonely Trails, Ebook | Zane Grey

    The next day, having restored our journey, it was a pleasure for me to try to find the track to Betatakin, the most famous and, most certainly, the most beautiful and beautiful destroyed place in the whole of the West. In many places, there was no trace at all, and I was faced with difficulties, but in the end, without much loss of time, I entered a narrow, heavy entrance to the canyon, which I described as a surprise valley. Amazement in the big dark cave worried me. My dr...

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Literatura

„Literatura” jest bardzo obszerną kategorią zawierającą w sobie książki z licznych podkategorii, dlatego możemy tu znaleźć zarówno literaturę piękną, poezję i dramat, jak i powieść obyczajową i historyczną, a także fantastykę, horror, kryminał i romans. Najchętniej czytane pozycje w księgarni internetowej Woblink.com należą do jednego z najpopularniejszych pisarzy młodego pokolenia Remigiusza Mroza, którego powieści od razu zdobywają rzesze wiernych fanów („Hashtag”, „Testament”, „Zerwa”), znanego na całym świecie, niekwestionowanego króla horrorów Stephena Kinga („Outsider”, „To”), a także brytyjskiej pisarki, jednej z najpopularniejszych autorek powieści dla kobiet Jojo Mojes („Moje serce w dwóch światach”, „Kiedy odszedłeś”, „Zanim się pojawiłeś”). W kategorii „Literatura” nie mogło także zabraknąć takich tytułów jak „Opowieść podręcznej” Margaret Atwood, która przedstawia przerażającą antyutopię o piekle kobiet zmuszonych do życia w reżimowym państwie, „Kredziarz” C.J. Tudor, czyli pełnego koszmarów thrillera będącego niezwykle udanym debiutem literackim brytyjskiej pisarki czy opartej na motywach mitologicznych „Kirke” Madeleine Miller – opowieści o samotnej kobiecie walczącej z przeciwnościami losu i zmuszonej wybierać między bogami a śmiertelnikami. W ofercie znajdują się również książki tworzące kanon literatury polskiej i europejskiej, utwory cenione i wartościowe. Należą do nich ponadczasowe pozycje pisarzy polskich, jak np. „Bajki robotów” Stanisława Lema, „Lalka” Bolesława Prusa, „Potop” Henryka Sienkiewicza, a także zagranicznych, czyli m.in. „Mistrz i Małgorzata” Michaiła Bułhakowa, „Wojna i pokój” Lwa Tołstoja, „Nędznicy” Victora Hugo.