KtoCzyta.pl Romans - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka Czas zamknięty, Ebook | Hanna Cygler

    Kwiecień 1939 roku. Napięta sytuacja w Wolnym Mieście Gdańsku zmusza Helen Hallmann do wyjazdu do Anglii z całą rodziną. Włodek, jej pasierb, marzy o przygodach i podróżach, nie chce jednak opuszczać rodzinnego domu ani rozstawać się ze swoją pierwszą miłością. Los, który stanie się jego udziałem, pełen będzie wielu niespodzianek. Marzenia bowiem czasem się spełniają, ale w zupełnie nieprzewidywalny dla nas, zdumiewający sposób... Akcja tego romansu przygodowego rozgrywa się ...

    okładka The Provincial Lady in Wartime, Ebook | E.M. Delafield

    This is the fourth and last of autobiographical novel series by English author E. M. Delafield (1890-1943). It takes the form of a journal of the life of an upper-middle class Englishwoman in the 1930s. The story of a volunteer in a woman’s underground canteen service in England during the World War 2 who must cope with gas masks, evacuated relatives etc.

    okładka The Lifted Veil, Ebook | George Eliot

    During a period of illness, Latimer first discovers he is able to read other peoples’ minds and see visions of the future. Rather than being a gift, this strange phenomenon increasingly becomes a curse. But the one thing that keeps him going is his love for Bertha. But everything changes when Latimer finally does gain sporadic insight into Bertha’s mind... and finds her thoughts are much more sinister than he had anticipated... In this dark novella George Eliot explores clair...

    okładka The Provincial Lady Goes Further, Ebook | E.M. Delafield

    A sequel to extremely popular, largely autobiographical „Diary of a Provincial Lady,” by E. M. Delafield (also known as Mrs Henry de la Pasture), about her life in England in the early 20th century. Provincial Lady lives in a country house with her husband, two children, the children’s French governess, Cook and a few assorted helpers. A delightful see-youselves-as-others-see-you view that challenges the American sense of humor.

    okładka The Provincial Lady in America, Ebook | E.M. Delafield

    No one could have been more surprised than our Provincial Lady to receive an invitation from her American agent to travel transatlantic and embark upon a programme of lectures and signings. What follows after she sets foot on American soil is a series of whirlwind tours about the continent, and also including a trip to Canada. This is book 3 in the Provincial Lady series by English author E. M. Delafield.

    okładka The Provincial Lady in Russia, Ebook | E.M. Delafield

    Written in the style of a diary, it tells the story of woman living in 1930s Russia who finds herself toiling on a collective farm, battling with public transport, and generally struggling with life in Soviet Russia. Although the style and humor are slightly different than the others in the series, it manages to be on itself a thoroughly interesting book about one woman’s experiences in Communist Russia.

    okładka Romola, Ebook | George Eliot

    Penned by George Eliot, „Romola” is an intense, gripping historical novel set in 15th-century Italy. In the narrative, Tito, a handsome but scheming Greek opportunist, marries Romola, the daughter of a scholar. He deceives Romola, is unscrupulous in his political dealings, and is finally killed by his adoptive father. Romola finds strength in helping to care for Tito’s other wife and the children of that union. A true classic!

    okładka Diary of a Provincial Lady, Ebook | E.M. Delafield

    Behind this rather prim title lies the hilarious fictional diary of a disaster-prone lady of the 1930s, and her attempts to keep her somewhat ramshackle household from falling into chaos. Written with humour, this charming novel is full of the peculiarities of daily life. As witty and delightful today as when it was first published in 1930, „Diary of a Provincial Lady” is a brilliantly observed comic novel and an acknowledged classic.

    okładka Felix Holt, the Radical, Ebook | George Eliot

    Set during the time of the Reform Act of 1832, the story centers on an election contested by Harold Transome, a local landowner, in the „Radical cause”, contrary to his family’s Tory traditions. Contrasting with the opportunism of Transome is the sincere, but opinionated, Radical Felix Holt. Against this background, the author George Eliot tells a love story and weaves a plot which has many elements of the sensation novel, such as illegitimacy, blackmail, and the discovery of...

    okładka Daniel Deronda, Ebook | George Eliot

    Crushed by a loveless marriage to the cruel and arrogant Grandcourt, Gwendolen Harleth seeks salvation in the deeply spiritual and altruistic Daniel Deronda. But Deronda, profoundly affected by the discovery of his Jewish ancestry, is ultimately too committed to his own cultural awakening to save Gwendolen from despair. George Eliot’s radical dual narrative constantly challenges all solutions and ensures that the novel is as controversial now, as when it first appeared....

    okładka Brother Jacob, Ebook | George Eliot

    First published in 1860, „Brother Jacob” is a short story about deception, imperial venture, and self-interest by George Eliot in which she explores the relationship between the selfish, self-centered, and ambitious David Faux and his simple-hearted and naif brother, Jacob. It is Eliot’s literary homage to Thackeray, a satirical modern fable that draws telling parallels between eating and reading.

    okładka Vendetta!, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    Count Fabio Romani, whom everyone considers one of the victims of the cholera epidemic that raged in Naples at the end of the 19th century, „rises from the dead”... However, when he returns home, he realizes with horror: no one is waiting for him there... The beautiful wife Nina and Guido’s best friend, who has been in a secret relationship for a long time, is planning a wedding and counting the days until the end of mourning.

    okładka Ziska, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    Cairo is a city where European aristocrats come in winter to relax and admire the monuments of a great ancient civilization. And in the new season, the fabulously rich and mysterious beauty Princess Ziska becomes the main topic of all conversations. She doesn’t seem to have a past. Her eccentric antics shock society. Her knowledge of the history of Ancient Egypt delights even scientists. She is surrounded by a crowd of fans, but nevertheless does not get close to anyone....

    okładka The Master-Christian, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    Marie’s skill lies in her powers of observation. She sees how men behave with women, how the rich behave with the poor, how power is based on political machinations, how actors bow to virtuous people, how easily every person dissolves gossip and ruins lives. How easily a man turns into a murderer, how genius is diminished if a woman possesses it.

    okładka The Secret Power, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    Morgana Royal is a beautiful, rich female fairy, endowed with a powerful mind, has a personal flying ship, communicates wirelessly with representatives of a superior race and reveals the secret of eternal life. But the wild beauty Manella becomes her rival in the fight for the heart of a selfish scientist who dreams of subduing the whole world with his destructive discovery.

    okładka Thelma, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    A love story written by someone who was touched by the beautiful scenery of Norway, as evidenced by the detailed descriptions of the place. It’s very fast paced, and while you’re afraid of a tragic end, it’s not like that at all. It folds magically and you put the book down with a sigh, thoughtful, as love stories always do.

    okładka Treasure of Heaven, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    A well-written book by Marie Corelli detailing the life of millionaire David Helmsley, who gave up his wealth to live as a drifter and found his inner self in a small village in Somerset. The author shows that the acquisition of wealth does not bring satisfaction, and in a simple life you can get joy.

    okładka Temporal Power, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    This book depicts the machinations and problems concerning the royal family and politicians in power in fictional England. A revolutionary conspiracy gathers momentum in an imaginary country ruled by an unpopular monarch, but it is eventually revealed that a surprising figure is the driving force behind the movement.

    okładka Life Everlasting, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    The heroine of this story accompanies a recovering man and his sick daughter on a yacht trip to Scotland, where she discovers her soul mate and changes her life forever. At the beginning of the story, she is full of life, but does not tolerate her limited and ignorant owners. A chance encounter with a mysterious man sailing on an even more mysterious yacht triggers a past life awakening that sets off a visionary quest to find the true meaning of love, life and death.

    okładka Madelon, Ebook | Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

    This is a story about a romantic triangle. Two cousins, Lot and Burr, are in love with the main character. Madelon loves Burr, but Burr is unable to confess his feelings and believes he loves Dorothy Fair. Events leave Burr unjustly imprisoned, Lot gravely wounded and in danger of death, and Madelon ready to doom herself to save Burr.

    okładka Innocent, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    This is the story of a young woman from England at the turn of the 20th century who learns the truth about her parents, and this knowledge sets her life on a path she is not ready for and those around her are powerless to stop.

    okładka God’s Good Man, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    The plot takes place in England. Pastor John Walden, a forty-year-old „man of worship”, is presented as having a cheerful, optimistic personality, athletic build, and strong character. He owns one of the smallest „living quarters” in England, an old relic from a medieval church. The ending is unpredictable and keeps you in suspense until the last words.

    okładka A Romance of Two Worlds, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    The main character, who is fond of music, being under the heavy pressure of a creative crisis, goes on a journey with her friends to improve her mental and physical health. There she meets an artist who once also became very discouraged, but who was lucky enough to be treated by a mysterious healer with fantastic abilities. In the midst of an ignorant society, a rumor has already been very successfully circulating about the doctor, as if he communicates with evil spirits, whi...

    okładka Ardath, Ebook | Marie Corelli

    Theos Olwyn, a poet and a lost man, travels to a secluded monastery in search of a man who can take his soul. He finds him in Heliobas, a seer who has given up his parlor sessions for the sake of isolation and worship of God. A night of thinking and talking leads to Alwyn writing an epic poem for free, which he packages and mails to his publisher. He also meets an angel named Edris who tells him to look for Ardat.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Romans

Publikacje w kategorii „Romans / Erotyka” oscylują wokół tematyki miłosnej – kładzie się w nich szczególny nacisk na zmysłową, fizyczną miłość, uczucia oraz pasję. Romans jest bardzo popularnym gatunkiem, który skupia się na ukazaniu romantycznej miłości dwojga ludzi i budowanej przez nich relacji. Romans powinien posiadać szczęśliwe zakończenie – na zakochanych, którzy walczą o swój związek, czeka bezwarunkowa miłość. Ten typ literatury odznacza się dużą różnorodnością. Romanse często są powiązane z innymi gatunkami literackimi – doprowadziło to do powstania kilku odmian, takich jak romans współczesny, historyczny, kryminalny, paranormalny, fantastyczny, religijny czy erotyczny. Jako gatunek romans rozwinął się w XIX wieku za sprawą Jane Austen, która uważana jest za mistrzynię tego gatunku. W jej powieściach (m.in. „Duma i uprzedzenie”, „Emma”, „Rozważna i romantyczna”) do dzisiaj zaczytują się rzesze oddanych fanów. W kategorii tej umieszczone zostały również powieści erotyczne, które są bardziej związane ze sferą seksu i seksualności, ale które jednocześnie nie są też pozbawione tematyki miłosnej. To zmysłowa i namiętna literatura pełna nieraz skrajnych emocji i uczuć. Czytelnicy zainteresowani powieścią erotyczną w księgarni internetowej Woblink.com odnajdą zarówno bestsellerową serię brytyjskiej pisarki E.L. James „Pięćdziesiąt twarzy Greya”, jak i popularny cykl o braciach Slater autorstwa L.A. Casey czy „Twardziela” Laurelin Paige – namiętną opowieść rozgrywającą się w dzisiejszym Hollywood. Nie zabrakło tu również takich publikacji jak „Tylko twój” Vi Keeland, „Bez lęku” Mii Sheridan oraz książki „Zły Romeo” Leisy Rayven.