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4 Best Victorian Novels MultiBook Charlotte Bronte ebook

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Charlotte Bronte wrote „Shirley” in difficult days for her: at this time her brother Branwell and two sisters, Emily and Ann, died of tuberculosis. Another novel about Jane Eyre, who was raised in a shelter. But it did not break the girl, but only tempered her character. Jane receives an excellent education and tries to achieve everything in life herself. Having installed herself as a housekeeper in the family of the rich and mysterious Mr. Rochester, Jane not only finds her „I”, but also experiences the strongest feeling possible. The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: „Jane Eyre”, „Shirley”, „Villette”, „The Professor”.

„4 Best Victorian Novels”, Charlotte Bronte – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka 4 Best Victorian Novels

O autorze

Charlotte Bronte

Charlotte Brontë urodziła się w 1816 roku. To brytyjska poetka i pisarka, najstarsza z piszących powieści sióstr Brontë (obok Emily i Anne). Jest autorką powieści „Shirley”,...

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4 Best Victorian Novels

4 Best Victorian Novels

Charlotte Bronte,

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