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Shirley Charlotte Bronte ebook

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Opis treści

”Shirley”, the second published novel by Charlotte Bronte, was released in 1849 amongst high anticipations by readers and critics after super success of „Jane Eyre”. Probably, it is the most „suspenseful” novel by Charlotte Bronte. The novel delicately combines classic Gothic motives – motives, relatively speaking, are classically the „detective”. However, under the brilliant pen of Bronte, enthralling story becomes just a brilliant frame for the delicate, perfectly adjusted psychologically history of difficult relations of men and two female – relations that are far beyond the traditional „love triangle”...

„Shirley”, Charlotte Bronte – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Shirley

O autorze

Charlotte Bronte

Charlotte Brontë urodziła się w 1816 roku. To brytyjska poetka i pisarka, najstarsza z piszących powieści sióstr Brontë (obok Emily i Anne). Jest autorką powieści „Shirley”,...

    • Shirley


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Opinie i oceny ebooka Shirley


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razem z Lubimy Czytać


Charlotte Bronte,

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