okładka Around the World in Eighty Days ebook | epub, mobi | Juliusz Verne

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Around the World in Eighty Days Juliusz Verne ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

The hero of the novel, Phileas Fogg, made a bet that he would be able to circumnavigate the globe from west to east in no more than 80 days, given the technical capabilities of 19th century transport. Fogg’s journey begins in England, and then he goes to France, Italy, Egypt, India, China, Japan and America. In India, Fogg and his servant, Jean Passepartout, save the beautiful Audu, who is about to be burned alive with the body of her late husband. Subsequently, she becomes Fogg’s wife. Detective Fix fixes the journey: the police are convinced that it was Fogg who stole a large sum from the Bank of England, and betting is an opportunity to evade punishment.

„Around the World in Eighty Days”, Juliusz Verne – jak czytać ebook?

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Around the World in Eighty Days

Around the World in Eighty Days

Juliusz Verne,

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