okładka Blitzkrieg in the Past ebook | epub, mobi | David Wright O’Brien

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Blitzkrieg in the Past David Wright O’Brien ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

After a „short, dumpy bald-headed guy in civvies” installs an invention – a time transfer device – in a tank that proceeds into the Georgia wilderness on maneuvers, a lightning bolt send the tank and its three operators backward in time. Shortly afterward they notice a single three-toes dinosaur footprint and disturbingly they hear the bloodthirsty scream of a very strange „bird”. „Blitzkrieg in the Past” is a science fiction from American fantasy and science fiction writer David Wright O’Brien. He had more than fifty-seven stories published in pulp magazines like Amazing Stories and Fantastic Adventures, most of them written under the different pen names.

„Blitzkrieg in the Past”, David Wright O’Brien – jak czytać ebook?

Ebooka „Blitzkrieg in the Past”, tak jak pozostałe książki w formacie elektronicznym przeczytacie w aplikacji mobilnej Woblink na Android lub iOS lub na innym urządzeniu obsługującym format epub lub mobi - czytnik ebooków (Pocketbook, Kindle, inkBook itd.), tablet, komputer etc. Czytaj tak, jak lubisz!

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Blitzkrieg in the Past

Blitzkrieg in the Past

David Wright O’Brien,

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