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In New York with the Tucker Twins Emma Speed Sampson ebook

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„In New York with the Tucker Twins” is a sixth book in the Tucker Twins series, written by an American author of juvenile fiction and a movie censor Emma Speed Sampson and published between 1915 and 1924. Nominally it’s a boarding school series, but actually only two of the books are set at school. Our heroine is 15 year-old Page Allison, a doctor’s daughter, raised in a rural Virginia community where she has no companionship with girls her own age. On her way to school for the first time, she meets the Tucker family, a set of twins nicknamed Dee and Dum who will be her best friends, and their startlingly young and sprightly widowed father. In it, Page Allison and the Tucker Twins head to New York City for a great adventure...

„In New York with the Tucker Twins”, Emma Speed Sampson – jak czytać ebook?

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In New York with the Tucker Twins

In New York with the Tucker Twins

Emma Speed Sampson,

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