okładka Ivanhoe. A Romance ebook | epub, mobi | Walter Scott

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Ivanhoe. A Romance Walter Scott ebook


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Opis treści

Ivanhoe, the son of a Saxon nobleman, returns to England from the Crusades. Prince John is Regent in the absence of his brother, King Richard the Lionhearted who is imprisoned in Austria. Saxons have not accepted their Norman conquerors and there is much animosity between them. Ivanhoe arrives at court just as a jousting tournament begins and bests the three Norman noblemen who have agreed to take on all comers. Ivanhoe is seriously injured however and is cared for by Isaac of York and his beautiful daughter Rebecca. They are taken prisoner however, along with Ivanhoe’s father Cedric and his ward Rowena, by the three knights Ivanhoe bested in the tournament. With the assistance of Robin Hood, the mysterious Black Knight attacks the castle of Front-de-Boeuf where the captives are being held. It’s left to Ivanhoe to rescue to rescue Rebecca however when she is accused of being a witch.

„Ivanhoe. A Romance”, Walter Scott – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Ivanhoe. A Romance

O autorze

Walter Scott

Walter Scott zapisał się w historii literatury jako inicjator powieści poetyckiej oraz jeden z protoplastów powieści historycznej, później od jego nazwiska zwanej „walterskotowską”.  Do najbardziej znanych dzieł...

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razem z Lubimy Czytać
Ivanhoe. A Romance

Ivanhoe. A Romance

Walter Scott,

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