okładka Microphone Techniques in Stereo and Surround Recording ebook | pdf | Adam Rosiński

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Microphone Techniques in Stereo and Surround Recording Adam Rosiński ebook


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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

This book is intended for musicians or sound directors, but also acousticians and sound engineers wishing to learn how the musicians think.

Sound engineering is one of the fastest-growing branches of music production. The need for a broad-based discussion on the issues constituting the art of sound engineering persists and loses none of its relevance, revealing that sound engineering should not be investigated only in the mathematical and physical context (musical acoustics) or the engineering aspect (signal processing and modification).

Publications targeted primarily at musicians are few and far between, which is why the mutual understanding for different priorities which effectively concern the same issues faced by the engineer, the acoustician and the musician, seems to be a complex problem and the main concept explored in this publication.

This book is intended for musicians or sound directors, but also acousticians and sound engineers wishing to learn how the musicians think. The monograph is also addressed to musicians who intend to record their material in the studio in the near future, but do not possess knowledge on studio construction, studio workflow or the art of recording. It seems important to familiarize the musicians with the reality that awaits them on the other side of the glass, thus fostering their responsibility for the work jointly produced by them – entering the studio – and the sound director.

„Microphone Techniques in Stereo and Surround Recording”, Adam Rosiński – jak czytać ebook?

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Opinie i oceny ebooka Microphone Techniques in Stereo and Surround Recording


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razem z Lubimy Czytać
Microphone Techniques in Stereo and Surround Recording

Microphone Techniques in Stereo and Surround Recording

Adam Rosiński,

Ocena czytelników


1 ocena wspólnie z Lubimy Czytać

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