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Polish Commercial Law in a Nutshell Bartosz Kucharski ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

The aim of the present book is to give an outline of Polish Commercial Law in English language. The book follows the usual sequence of lectures on Commercial Law in Poland dividing the content in two parts. First part is on entrepreneurs mainly partnerships and companies as the most important forms of organization of business and second part is on commercial acts especially contract. The latter part includes also chapters on securities as wall as on prevention of unfair competition and on trademarks. I will be happy if the book serves all those students who learn Polish law in English as well as students who set off to study abroad in English and seek books that could acquaint them with English legal terminology. Hopefully the work can also be of help to foreigners, especially foreign entrepreneurs who want to engage in business activity in Poland and need basic knowledge of Polish Commercial Law, as well as to legal practitioners who have to explain the institutions of Polish Law to their foreign clients. 

„Polish Commercial Law in a Nutshell”, Bartosz Kucharski – jak czytać ebook?

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Polish Commercial Law in a Nutshell

Polish Commercial Law in a Nutshell

Bartosz Kucharski,

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