okładka Prester John ebook | epub, mobi | John Buchan

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Prester John John Buchan ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

South Africa, 1900. After his father dies, nineteen-year-old David Crawfurd is sent off to South Africa to earn his living as a storekeeper in the back of beyond. A strange encounter on the journey suggests that dark deeds and treacherous intrigues are afoot – all bound up with the mysterious primeval kingdom of Prester John. Laputa is a charismatic leader of an incipient native uprising, secretly preaching the incendiary creed of „Africa for the Africans,” and proclaiming himself heir to the mantle of Prester John, a legendary 15th-century Christian king of Ethiopia. We participate in many thrilling adventure chases in the wild country, deal with nasty villains, narrow escapes, impossible climbs up rock walks, a secret cave of massive proportions with a hidden switch to open a boulder door, stores of diamonds to fund the uprising, a valuable and ancient ruby necklace and the courageous love of a gigantic dog.

„Prester John”, John Buchan – jak czytać ebook?

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    • Prester John


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    • bumerang

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Prester John

Prester John

John Buchan,

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