okładka The Island of Sheep ebook | epub, mobi | John Buchan

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The Island of Sheep John Buchan ebook

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Opis treści

Sir Richard Hannay, retired mining engineer, lives a comfortable suburban life outside London, but feels old age and stodginess coming on and longs to have his mettle tested again. He gets his chance when a promise he made years ago in Rhodesia, to protect the son of an old acquaintance from a sinister conspiracy, and the action moves rapidly from England through the Scottish Borders to the Island of Sheep in the remote Norlands, where Hannay and his friends turn at last to confront their enemy. In this, his final adventure, Buchan’s hero Richard Hannay becomes embroiled in one of the most hazardous escapades of his life. This novel contains what all of Buchan’s yarns contain: peril, action, heroism, dastardly villains, powerful manly friendships, a hint of romance, references to the classics, British pluck in the face of danger, can-do youngsters, picturesque country folk...

„The Island of Sheep”, John Buchan – jak czytać ebook?

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The Island of Sheep

The Island of Sheep

John Buchan,

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