okładka Ravavik and friends ebook | epub, mobi | Aneta Kmieć-Wawrzyniak

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Ravavik and friends We are all different Aneta Kmieć-Wawrzyniak ebook

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Valuable book for children: Ravavik and friends. We are all different 

Ravavik and friends. We are all different 

Ravavik’s universe volume 3

Ravavik is an energetic kitten. He likes adventures, books, and traveling on his Viking ship, but most of all, he likes spending time with his family and friends. The kitten has four best friends, and each of them is completely different, but together, they are an incredibly close-knit bunch. When they are together, they can’t stop smiling. At least, most of the time it is like that. One day, the friends have a tricky moment that leaves them feeling a bit down at first. But in the end this experience is a valuable lesson for them, teaching them that even the best friends don’t have to like the same things to have fun together.

„Ravavik and friends”, Aneta Kmieć-Wawrzyniak – jak czytać ebook?

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    • Ravavik and friends


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Ravavik and friends

Ravavik and friends

Aneta Kmieć-Wawrzyniak,

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