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Valuable book for children: Ravavik and the rebellious princess. It’s good to be yourself
Ravavik and the rebellious princess. It’s good to be yourself
Ravavik’s universe volume 4
Everyone in Vakakeekee is getting ready for a very important event—Princess Mia is going to visit them. Ravavik can’t wait to meet her. Together with his friends, he talks about her a lot, and they agree that she will definitely have a frilly dress, long hair, and a crown on her head. After all, that’s what real princesses look like.
When Mia finally arrives in Vakakeekee, it turns out that she is nothing like the princess Ravavik and his friends had imagined. She wears a hoodie and baggy pants, and on her head, instead of a crown, she has a baseball cap. After meeting Mia, Ravavik is even more certain that it is best to be yourself and have your own way.
„Ravavik and the rebellious princess”, Aneta Kmieć-Wawrzyniak – jak czytać ebook?
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