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Valuable book for children: Ravavik fights sleep
Ravavik fights sleep
Ravavik’s universe volume 6
Little Ravavik definitely doesn’t like sleeping. The kitten—like all Vikings—is very brave. Every evening, he fights a fierce battle against sleep and tries every trick he can think of to go to bed as late as possible. But tiredness always wins in the end, and he falls asleep.
One day Ravavik decides that he will stay up all night. After all, a brave Viking doesn’t need sleep. When he is extremely exhausted, something unexpected happens. Read the story to find out what it is. Does the little kitten finally understand that we all need plenty of sleep to have the strength for the day’s adventures?
„Ravavik fights sleep”, Aneta Kmieć-Wawrzyniak – jak czytać ebook?
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