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Swedish Armor 1920–1989 Organization and Equipment Krzysztof Kubiak ebook

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In his book Swedish Armor 1920–1989: Organization and Equipment, Prof. Krzysztof Kubiak does not limit himself to presenting armored vehicles, but also describes and explains the development trends of AFVs in Sweden.

Almost all lovers of armor will recognize the Strv 103 tank without hesitation and many would know the prewar Landsverk L-60, but Swedish armored vehicles are not only these two. Swedish armor history is much richer and more complex. It is not possible to examine that subject matter, even in terms of equipment, without discussing the general assumptions of the specific Swedish defense doctrine, which in turn was overwhelmingly shaped by the State’s location and the natural conditions prevailing in its area.

„Swedish Armor 1920–1989”, Krzysztof Kubiak – jak czytać ebook?

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    • Swedish Armor 1920–1989


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razem z Lubimy Czytać
Swedish Armor 1920–1989

Swedish Armor 1920–1989

Krzysztof Kubiak,

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