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Sylvie and Bruno Lewis Carroll ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

The main character is in front of 2 worlds. One is the real world. Another is a world that occurs during sleep. In real life, an ordinary man will introduce a quiet life. Communicates with friends, leads discussions. And in a dream, he dreams of meeting a ten-year-old princess Sylvie and her five-year-old brother Bruno. Sylvie and Bruno find out that their father is actually a fairytale king, and therefore they are a fairytale prince and princess. In the end, the two stories unite as Sylvie and Bruno begin to appear in the real world.

„Sylvie and Bruno”, Lewis Carroll – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Sylvie and Bruno

O autorze

Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll, znany nam przede wszystkim jako autor „Alicji w krainie czarów” (1865) oraz „Po drugiej stronie lustra” (1871), był angielskim profesorem matematyki, którego fascynował dziecięcy świat. Zajmował...

    • Sylvie and Bruno


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Sylvie and Bruno

Sylvie and Bruno

Lewis Carroll,

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