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The Adventures of Tyler Tatlock, Private Detective Dick Donovan ebook

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Opis treści

Dick Donovan’s detective was considered a great ‘rival’ to Holmes. For a time his detective stories were as popular as those of Arthur Conan Doyle. „The Adventures of Tyler Tatlock, Private Detective” is a thrilling collection of mystery and adventure tales (21 in all) including „The Queensferry Mystery” in which a series of remarkable house burglaries take place during the winter months in Edinburgh. This series also includes Sherlockian titles such as „The Sign of the Yellow Star”, „The Band of Three” and „The Clue of the Silver Jug.”

„The Adventures of Tyler Tatlock, Private Detective”, Dick Donovan – jak czytać ebook?

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The Adventures of Tyler Tatlock, Private Detective

The Adventures of Tyler Tatlock, Private Detective

Dick Donovan,

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