okładka The Altargana's Roots Run Deep: Buryats between Russia, Mongolia, and China ebook | epub, mobi | Ewa Nowicka

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The Altargana's Roots Run Deep: Buryats between Russia, Mongolia, and China Ewa Nowicka ebook

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Identity and the Struggle for Culture – The Contemporary Buryat Nation in the Realities of Russia

This book is dedicated to the contemporary situation of the Buryat people, who strive to preserve their culture within the realities of the Russian Federation. It is based on years of in-depth field research, drawing on the centuries-old traditions of Polish studies in Siberia.

The author examines the process of shaping the national identity of the Buryats in contemporary social conditions and within the framework of international political structures. She seeks to answer the question of how endangered nations – in this case, minorities – can fight for their survival. This time, the struggle is conducted through the preservation and revival of culture.

The publication was originally released in Polish in 2016 by Nomos Publishing House.

This publication was created as part of a project funded by the state budget, granted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the program "Excellent Science II – Support for Scientific Monographs," contract number MONOG/SN/0020/2023/01.

„The Altargana's Roots Run Deep: Buryats between Russia, Mongolia, and China”, Ewa Nowicka – jak czytać ebook?

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The Altargana's Roots Run Deep: Buryats between Russia, Mongolia, and China

The Altargana's Roots Run Deep: Buryats between Russia, Mongolia, and China

Ewa Nowicka,

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